Weekly Planetary Report - May 15 2023

Uncategorized May 11, 2023

Hello Astro followers, there are a lot of aspects this week, and exciting energy, so let’s get into it and see what’s going on.  

To start, Mercury, the planet of communication, creativity, and education finally comes out of its retrograde transit on the 15th where it will be in what’s called, stationary direct. However, keep in mind that on this date the few days before, and after when Mercury is stationary direct, is the storm part of the transit, which can be the most disruptive, so we are not quite out of it just yet. So, give it a few days until midweek preferably before making any major decisions.  

On the same day, 15th May, action planet Mars will trine with Neptune. The trine aspect is an easy flow vibratory energy, like a path of non-resistance, and in this case, with Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, both being water signs, you want to pay attention to flashes of insight that can come through now, because they are very likely to be...

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Planetary Report Week May 08 2023

Uncategorized May 04, 2023

The lunar eclipse was on May 5th; however, the energy can still be felt with this eclipse for up to six months. So, whatever is transforming during this time may still be in process, especially as we are still under the influence of the Mercury retrograde transit.  

Let’s see what this week’s vibrational planetary energy has in store for us.   

Early in the week, the Sun is going to conjunct with Uranus, which means they are both at the same degree in the same sign and in this case, Uranus and the Sun are connected in the sign of Taurus, which reminds me, Happy Birthday, Taurus!  

Mercury retrograde is also in Taurus, so this can cause current confusion especially as anything that takes place under a Uranus/Sun vibration can come out of the blue, almost like blindsiding you. Throw in a Mercury retrograde, and things can get a little messy, which of course means that your life is most likely changing in some way.  

To avoid getting caught up...

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MAY 2023 Monthly Planetary Report

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2023

There’s a lot of planetary anything going on this month, for sure, so let’s get straight into it and have a look at what’s going on.

Firstly, Pluto is stationary retrograde, which means it’s going to make its way back to Capricorn where it has been for the last decade and a half, and it will also go retrograde next year, so we’re going to have a back-and-forth energy, which can be confronting. In one sense, in Capricorn, the energy wants to stick to the rules play within the lines and take notice of authority and boundaries. On the other side in Aquarius, it just wants to be free to the point of rebelling if people feel that something has been hidden, and it’s revealed or people have been treated, unjustly, as Aquarius is the humanitarian sign, and the sign of freedom, or one of the signs of freedom.

Pluto is transformational and along that journey, it will uncover anything that’s happening behind the scenes, and this can also result in a...

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Weekly Planetary and Horoscope Sun Sign Report May 01 2023

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2023

The Sun connects with the communication planet Mercury in Taurus. And although this is not an unusual planetary interaction, right now Mercury is retrograde and the connection with the Sun does give it an added boost of energy. You can use this intensified energy between the Sun and Mercury to your advantage to revisit anything from the past that needs to be healed or brought out to the open but remember to speak from your heart and be straight, truthful, and sincere.

Transformational planet Pluto, right at the start of May, commences its retrograde transit, while it heads back into Capricorn through to early January 2024 when it will return to Aquarius and stay for most of the year. However, it will retrograde back to Capricorn again in the third quarter of 2024 for a few months before making its way back to Aquarius where it will take up residence for the best part of 20 years.

During this time over the next 18 months, while Pluto is going back and forth between Capricorn and...

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Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2023

In the language of astrology, luminaries are a celestial term that refers to the Sun and the Moon. These cosmic sources of influence and inspiration illuminate the two most basic aspects of the psyche. The Sun represents your individual identity. The Moon reflects your inner, emotional needs - your soul - your inner mood. Most people know their Sun Sign, and many can identify some basic, dominant characteristics. But your Moon Sign plays just as important a role in the make-up of your personality while focusing on your emotions.   

Eclipses run in pairs, occurring two or three times a year at the New and Full Moon. When the Sun and Moon are conjunct – together in the same degree of the same sign – we have a New Moon, which kicks off a new lunar cycle. It’s a time of beginnings. When the Sun and Moon are opposed (in the same degree but on opposite sides of the zodiac) we have a Full Moon. Full Moons are the peak of the cycle, the ‘high...

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Weekly Horoscope Report April 24 2023

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2023

The week commences with Mercury, the planet of communication and creativity, in an astral sextile aspect with planet Mars. In plain English, this represents opportunities and possibilities. However, with Mercury in its retrograde transit, it can slow things down. And the motivated, fast-thinking energy of Mars can give you the feeling of pushing forward and forcing ahead, which may or may not be a good idea at this point as the combined energy is push-pull, and that can cause frustration. The lesson here is to know that everything will work out, as it should, in the end, and to just let go. Easier done than said, I know, but as the saying goes, there is no point stressing over things you have no control over.

Take a step back, think things through, and as Mars is in Cancer, a water and cardinal sign, you want to go inwards to see what your intuition is revealing to you. Mercury and Mars interacting present what can seem like an insight, although could actually be an impulsive...

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Mercury Retrograde Explained

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2023

Mercury Retrograde Explained! Plus your Sun Sign report. Read on to find out how this retrograde will affect your sign. Find out what to avoid and how to make the most of this retrograde transit so you avoid the bumps that inevitably come with a Mercury retrograde:

Click here to read the full report...

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April 17 2023 Horoscope Report

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2023

This is a powerful week with intensified energy that you can use to move forward and make a difference in your life. We have the first of two eclipses, this one is a solar eclipse, which is New Moon energy. For a New Moon, it means that the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree, usually in the same sign, and this month it is in Aries. This represents a brand new start, which is a potent and positive energy that you can use to reevaluate where you are, and where you are going and make a plan to get there.

As this New Moon is a solar eclipse, it is way more powerful than a normal monthly New Moon. And it is taking place right on the cusp of when the Sun will transit to the next sign, which is Taurus. When the Sun / Moon or planets ingress to the next sign, they are at a 29 and 00 degree, which is called a critical degree, and is known to be even more intensified energy.

So, putting all this together, if you tune into this amazingly powerful energy, and stay focused on where you...

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Horoscope & Planetary Report - April 10 2023

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2023

This week, April 10th, commences with Venus, the planet of love and money, making her move from Taurus, one of the signs she rules, and therefore sits very comfortable in this position, into the next sign, which is Gemini. Venus' transit to Gemini will help you clarify all the decisions, thoughts, and possibilities that you made or was thinking of while she was in Taurus.

The Gemini energy will help you sort them out, get more creative, and will open to airwaves to discuss with others. However, be sure to converse with people whom you trust, particularly if you are in the early stages of just formulating your ideas or concepts. For sure, it is an excellent idea to get other people's opinions, especially when it is a creative concept, and when it comes from the energy of Gemini, then it could be something quite amazing. So, you may want to keep it, for now, a little close to your chest.

As I detailed in the April report, this is the week the Sun and Jupiter connect. This is one of,...

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Pluto in Aquarius - scroll down for sun sign report!

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2023

After a 16-year transit through the traditional sign of Capricorn, challenging establishments to do the right thing, and individuals the same, on March 23, 2023, planet Pluto made his move to the sign of Aquarius. And apart from a few retrograde transits during 2023 and 2024, when it briefly retreats to Capricorn, it will take up residence in the more freedom-loving and humanitarian sign of Aquarius for a 20-year stay.

Pluto's journey through the sign of Aquarius is a significant astrological event that will have both positive and challenging outcomes for all 12 horoscope signs. In astrology, Pluto represents transformation, power, and intensity, while Aquarius symbolizes innovation, independence, and change and is the sign most concerned with humanitarian affairs and the rights of others.  

The combination of these two energies will bring about a significant shift in the world, ushering in a new era of technological advancement, social progress, and personal growth....

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