Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Oct 14, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2020

Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Oct 14, 2020
Virgo Moon, the sign of perfectionism, interacts in a favorable and abundant way with both Jupiter and Pluto. The combined energy provides the intensity to learn something about yourself that you were not previously in touch with. Pay attention to the messages you receive both from your intuition as well as the signposts in the physical world as they will be your guides.

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Angel’s Daily Blog Oct. 13, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 11, 2020

Angel’s Daily Blog Oct. 13, 2020
Mercury goes retrograde today, and right now it is in what’s called the Storm part of the transit, which can be the most disruptive time. So, for now and over the next few days, it is a good idea not to get too involved in life changing decisions. Leave major decisions, whether they relate to your personal or professional life, till later this week, when the energy clears and you can do some research, some fact finding or just ask friends for their opinion. If you are not in a hurry to put things in place, then wait till after Nov. 4th.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Oct. 12, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Oct. 12, 2020

Today’s Leo Moon can bring your emotions up front and center, so you have to pay attention to how you feel, rather than push your inner feeling down. And as Mercury in Scorpio interacts with Venus in Virgo, the combined energy connection further helps you voice to someone how you are feeling, especially a close loved-one. However, as Mercury is about to go retrograde, and is right in the disruptive storm part pf the retrograde transit, it would be wise to put some thought into how you approach what could be an awkward or sensitive topic. In the end, just speak from your heart!

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Angels Daily Astro Blog Oct. 11, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2020

Angels Daily Astro Blog Oct. 11, 2020

Sun squares Jupiter, and although a square formation between planets is generally confronting, not so much with these two vibrational energies. In fact, this astral square will help you dream big while keeping your feet firmly on the ground. Jupiter and the Sun heighten your creative thought process without limitations, and the energy of the square helps you incorporate action points to ground your visions and creativity!

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Angel’s Daily Blog Oct. 10, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 08, 2020

Angel’s Daily Blog Oct. 10, 2020

Venus in the Sign of Virgo trines, which is a favorable astral aspect, with Uranus in Taurus. This interaction between planets in this almost fateful connection in fellow earth signs can create a sudden development. However, as earth signs, don’t like surprises, there can be some reticence to move forward. Be mindful that what the result of changed plans can actually end up being beneficial, and better than what you thought possible. Your overall message today is to stay open to what comes next without judgement or putting limitations on your thoughts or attitude.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Bog Oct. 09, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 07, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Bog Oct. 09, 2020

Action planet Mars squares transformational Pluto! The energies of these two planets are dynamic and together they can move issues, people and areas that are stuck in a groove. However, do be mindful that as positive as this sounds, and it is, an astral square planetary interaction can be challenging and confronting and that’s just what may be needed now to make significant change. When you know what you want and are prepared to take a step in that direction to arrive at your desired destination, change can take place. Boldly step forward with courage and confidence and the universe will support you.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Oct. 08, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Oct. 08, 2020

As the Moon enters Cancer, the sign it rules, and interacts with loveable Venus in Virgo, it is possible to develop a deeper bond and closeness with others during this time. However, as love is all about the details with Virgo, do be careful not to focuses too intently on things you don’t like or find irritating. It is more powerful to put your attention on the qualities that you admire and respect. When you stay focused on the positive, that’s what you attract. The vibration you put out will vibrate and mirror back to you, so the more you think about what inspires you and what you love, the more of the same will boomerang back to you like a magnet.

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Angel’s Daily Star Blog Oct. 07, 2022

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2020

Angel’s Daily Star Blog Oct. 07, 2022

Communication planet Mercury in savvy Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, can get your mind operating at lightning speed. And because the Taurus energy is extremely grounded, the ideas you receive and download from the universe during this time can be set in sold foundations. Get your pen and paper ready, or the note section on your phone or tablet, and get ready to record your thoughts. When genius energy is at work, you won’t want to let an idea slip through the cracks.

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Angel’s Daily Star Blog Oct. 06, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2020

Angel’s Daily Star Blog Oct. 06, 2020
As the Moon enters the sign of Gemini life becomes less intense, which will give you a chance to relax, take a step back, and be more of a witness of what is happening around you, rather than being emotionally involved. In this state, you can gain more perspective, particularly on issues or situations that have previously given you concern. This will make it easier to come to the right decision for you, rather than what’s good for everyone else. In the end, when you have the clarity you need to take a step forward, it is always wise to aim for a win-win outcome.


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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Oct. 05, 2020

Uncategorized Oct 03, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Oct. 05, 2020
The Taurus Moon can be stubborn for sure, especially when emotions are involved. But as the Moon has three trines today, which is an easy passage astral aspect, and also a sextile, which highlights opportunities, this is a great day to get in touch with what makes you happy. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and the energy combined with the Moon can open your heart to dream of your destined and desired life. Cast aside heavy thoughts and demands of other people, and instead replace this energy with inspired thought. Get in touch with that inner spark, that knowing feeling of what you really feel inspired to do and follow it! 

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