Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 30, 2020

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 30, 2020

Pisces Moon interacts in a favorable way with both Saturn, the planet of stability and Pluto the planet of transformation. And as Pisces and the Moon are both sensitive and emotional energies, what happens next needs to feel right in a way that you feel inspired to take the next step. If you are fearful of what happens next, then this is not a feeling that is soul inspired. Sit quietly and ask for your inner voice to come through and when you have that knowing more peaceful feeling you will be ready to move forward.  

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 29, 2020

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 29, 2020

Solid Saturn comes out of retrograde, and with Mars still squaring Saturn, the energy can be disruptive, so it is a good time to take a step back and reevaluate. Take stock of where you are and what positive action steps you need to move in the direction of where you want to end up. Once you get organized in your mind you can set your intentions in place and take a step forward by doing some actions toward achieving your goals.

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Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 28, 2020

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2020

Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 28, 2020

Passionate Mars and love goddess Venus interact in a way that can open opportunities for love, work or money. Pay attention to the signposts, the synchronicity of life and chance meetings, and know that this is the universe gently guiding you on the right path for your soul’s journey in this life. Put your intention out to the universe and have faith that you and your life will proceed as it should and in perfect timing!

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 27, 2020

Uncategorized Sep 25, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 27, 2020

Mercury enters Scorpio and the Moon in Aquarius sits opposite Venus in Leo. This combination of planetary and luminary energy makes it a day where you can realize what you want, but as these three signs are all fixed signs, there is a message not to be so stubborn that you let an opportunity pass you by. It’s great to have a definite intention but don’t close off to what else other people have to offer. Have an open mind to listen to their suggestions, and even if you only pick up one small idea, it can be the idea that really puts the stamp of excellence on what you have going on.

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Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 26, 2020

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2020

Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 26, 2020

Aquarius Moon trines the Libra Sun, and with this luminary connection, both in Air signs, opens the door for creative, and unique, thought to take place. The energy is an excellent balance between receiving inspired thought and then putting it into action. You can make headway now on something you previously felt stuck on or overwhelmed with. Let your imagination run wild!

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Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 25, 2020

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2020

Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 25, 2020

Capricorn Moon connects with both Pluto and Saturn and squares Mars and Mercury. This potentially is a troublesome day, but if you handle things, people and situations with care and some diplomacy, then you can come out a winner. This is a good time to ask more questions that you answer. Remember, there is more to communication than talking, and a big part of communicating is listening. When you are silent and give others a chance to say what they feel, you build a closer bond as you allow them to share more of themselves.

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Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 24

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2020

Angel’s Astro Daily Blog Sept. 24

Mercury in Libra, opposite Mars in Aries, can be intense, especially as they are opposite energies. As Mercury, the communication planet, is in the sign of Libra the sign of diplomacy, on the one hand the energy can help you sift through the best way to approach a situation with someone. However, with Mars in Aries, the sign it rules, this energy is impulsive and can tempt you to rashly say something before you are ready. As opposite energies, they work well together as it can push you forward. The  Mars energy can assist you to put plans into action and in this sense, you will be able to work with the best of both these planetary energies.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 23

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 23
With the Sun now in the sign of Libra, a Venus ruled sign, love, harmony and connections with others will be much easier to attract and maintain. However, with communication planet Mercury in Libra challenging Saturn in Capricorn, be careful that the energy of these cardinal signs doesn’t tempt you to be impatient. If you have an important discussion to have with someone, then wait for the timing to be right. Be mindful that to be fully heard, you need his or her full attention.  

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Angel’s Daily Astrology Blog Sept. 22

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astrology Blog Sept. 22

The powerful energy of the Sun makes its move to the sign of Libra, and in this position, it allows you to take a step back and have a good look at where you are and what you into on doing as you move forward. The textbook information for Librans is that they are thought to be procrastinators, but that’s not entirely true. One of Libras greatest skills is to look at the pos and cons of any situation, which is an intentional action and far from procrastinating. And as the Sagittarius Moon interacts with Venus, this added planetary energy will help you move forward with passion and purpose.

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Angel’s Daily Astrology Blog Sept. 21

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2020

Angel’s Daily Blog Sept. 21

Scorpio Moon can make things in your life seem more intense than they are, which is not a bad thing, as it’s the strength of your emotion, which highlights how you feel. In some cases, intense feelings and emotion can spotlight to you what you may need to change in your life, so you don’t get stuck in a pattern that perhaps is not serving you to your greatest good. In other cases, it could be your inner wisdom knocking on your heart trying to get your attention. Take a minute to slow down and be in silence so you can sort out where your emotional nudges are coming from, wisdom or fear.

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