Horoscope Week September 18 2023

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2023

This is a very light week with astrological aspects between the planets, and of course, there’s always movement with the Moon as it transits through the zodiac quickly spending just a few days in each sign.

The great news for this week is that Mercury, the planet of communication, education, and creativity, is now out of retrograde, Yay! So, it’s all systems go, and if you’ve been doing a lot of back work behind the scenes, getting things organized, or doing research or production over these last three weeks, then has been an excellent way to spend Mercury retrograde, and now it’s time to put things into action. And as Mercury is in Virgo, one of the signs it rules, then it is very much about the attention to detail. If you’re not a detail person, it’s a good idea to engage somebody in your camp or find a talented proofreader and organizer who just loves to do all the back office type work and get them to look over anything before you take it...

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Horoscope Week September 11 2023

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2023

Welcome to the week of September 11, that’s a date that none of us will ever forget for sure, so I’d like to start by sending a special prayer for those everywhere around the world who were affected by the 9/11 attack in the USA, all my love and best wishes go to you on this day and every day. 

OK, so this week there is a lot of planetary activity happening towards the end of the week. On the 14th, we have the new Moon for September, which means the Sun and the Moon are conjunct, together at the same degree, and this month's new Moon is in the sign of Virgo, so it’s a message for us to balance between the intuitive and the logical.  

Virgo likes to, and is very good at delving into, the details, and really making sure that nothing falls through the cracks, so it is very logical energy and the Moon is emotional. This concentration on how things are coming together can get quite intense, plus Virgo, and all the earth signs, like to worry, especially when...

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Horoscope Wk September 04, 2023

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2023

Welcome to the week of September 4, 2023,  

From the start of this week, Sunday the third, Venus, the planet of love, and money, will finally come out of its retrograde transit. Although it is still in Leo and has very abundant energy, this is good news for anybody who is looking for love or money, or to upscale their life, so that's pretty well all of us, right?!  

At the same time, on the fourth, Mercury, the planet of communication, education, and creativity, which is now in retrograde will Trine with Jupiter. The Trine aspect is a soft and easy-going energy formation, and it highlights a path of least resistance and an allowing type of energy. However, you need to get out of your own way to allow the energy to come in, which means keeping your vibrational energy high, happy, and positive.  

Be mindful though, that the energy will change as Jupiter enters its retrograde transit, also on the fourth, and as this is all happening at once, insights can come through...

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Mercury Retrograde, it's that time again!

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2023

BY Jennifer Angel

Is it Magic or Mayhem? 

Here’s how to use the energy to your best advantage.

Communication planet Mercury, known as the thinking planet of intellect, can affect the way you think, communicate, and relate. It’s known as the celestial messenger of the gods and is, as a rule, retrograde three times a year for around three weeks each time and can cause all sorts of magic and mayhem! During the retrograde transit, Mercury appears to move backward through the zodiac. It's a visual illusion -- Mercury passes between the Earth and the Sun, creating a deceptive rather than actual effect.

During a retrograde period, all sorts of confusion and uncertainty can take place. It is wise to double-check the fine print of any file you submit, especially if it has your name attached to it. And don’t be in too much of a hurry to push things through. If possible, delay signing official documents until after Mercury comes out of...

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Week August 28 2023 Horoscope

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2023

Welcome to the week of August 28. There is not a great deal of planetary aspects and interaction happening this week, and really the main transit is that Mercury is retrograde, yes it’s that time again!

I have completed a full Mercury Retrograde report, which covers all the transits; Stationary Retrograde, Stationary Direct, the Shadow and the Storm, all the dates, and the whole explanation about that. Also, I’ve covered how each individual sign relates to a Mercury retrograde, and how this Mercury retrograde in Virgo will affect each sign, so go check out that report.

Other than that, right at the beginning of this week, Mars, the planet of motivation action, passion, and excitement, will make its transit from the sign of Virgo into Libra. No, it’s not too comfortable here because the energies are different in a way that Mars' energy is impulsive, and Libra likes to think things through with the pros and cons and not make a move one way or another until they feel...

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Horoscope August 21 2023 Planetary Plus all Signs

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2023

Welcome to the week of August 21 in the astrological world. This is a very busy week. There’s lots going on, different planetary aspects, with an abundance of planets interacting with each other.  

So let’s get started and see what’s going on, however, before we delve in, I want to remind you that this is a Sun Sign report, and after the planetary report, I will be going through all of the individual signs. The sun sign report is very valuable to tune in to what’s coming up, but the real secret sauce and magic are in your personal birth chart. If you have never had a chart reading before, then, it’s an amazing and enlightening experience, which teaches you more about who you are, and gives you permission to accept yourself, every bit of yourself with no apologies, and this is one of the greatest gifts that we can give ourselves. 

OK, so first of all this week, Venus and Jupiter are a square aspect, traditionally challenging, however, when...

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Horoscope Week August 14 2023

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2023

Welcome to the week of August 14th. Let's see what is happening in the Astro chart for this week. Midweek, on the 16th, we have a new Moon, which means the Sun and the Moon are conjunct, at the exact degree in the same sign, which is the sign of Leo.  

This is a great new Moon for everyone and not just for Leo, as it is a message for all of us to stand up for ourselves, show up for ourselves, and first of all do what is right for us, and only then can we be there for others. So, use energy to work on your self-worth, knowing that we are always learning and mostly we learn from relationships, and that can mean the relationship we have with ourselves, our inner self, and of course, with others. 

At the same time, the Sun will square Uranus, and yes, a square is traditionally challenging. The Sun is in the sign of Leo, and Uranus is in Taurus, and as these are fixed signs, the lessons presented with this astral aspect is to have patience, and then to put yourself in the other...

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Horoscope AUGUST 2023 by Jennifer Angel - all signs on video

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2023

Welcome to the August planetary overview and highlights for 2023. The month kicks off with the full Moon in Aquarius, which highlights our need for freedom, independence, and connections with others. It's a great opportunity to gain a balance in our lives. On the same day, Mars will interact with Jupiter in an astral transition, creating opportunities to think more about the big picture and take action. 

In the second week of August, the Sun and Jupiter will square, which can be useful to show you what you don't want, so you gain clarity of what you do want. The conjunction of Venus and the Sun later in the week creates a fascinating time for love or monetary issues. However, keep in mind that Venus is still retrograde, highlighting past situations for either healing or closure.

The third week starts with the new Moon in Leo, a time to cast aside self-doubts and get clear about where you're heading and what you need to do to arrive at your desired destination. It's about taking...

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Horoscope Week August 07 2023 - all signs

Uncategorized Aug 03, 2023

This week commences with an interaction between the Sun and Jupiter. The Sun, being in Leo, happy Birthday to our Leo friends! And Jupiter, in the sign of Taurus, and ruled by Venus. This is a square interaction, which traditionally is a challenging aspect, however, between these two planets, the Sun and Jupiter, plus the governing energy of Venus here as well, it’s not so much of a challenge. Instead, this aspect can provide valuable insight into what doesn't align with your life path right now. It can help you clarify what you truly desire in life. Sometimes we need to see what we don’t want to know what we do want, and that’s what this planetary square is really very good for. However, be mindful that this square occurs in two fixed signs, so it's important to remain open-minded and embrace change. Avoid being too stubborn or set in your ways. By embracing change, you can move forward in the direction that aligns with your goals. 

Midweek, there will be...

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Horoscope July 31 2023- Plus all 12 signs

This week commences with a few astral aspects on the 1st of August. First, there is a full Moon in Aquarius, which means the Moon is in Aquarius and the Sun is opposite in Leo. This full Moon will help you to focus attention on yourself and more importantly, on where you feel you are in your life and where you want to be, and to make decisions to head in that direction. It highlights free-thinking independence and taking control of your life, while also setting boundaries for yourself.

On the same day, there is a Trine astral aspect between Mars and Jupiter. The Trine aspect is representative of an easy passage. Things can tend to fall into place when under the influence of a Trine. However, you do need to be aware of a few things. First, notice opportunities that are coming your way and tune into the Jupiter energy by being grateful for options that present opportunities, possibilities, or chance meetings, and be appreciative of any financial windfalls or extra cash that comes your...

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