ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 03, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 03, 2021

Virgo Moon trines Uranus in Taurus and Sun in Capricorn. Earth signs rule today, which provides a great deal of grounding and permanency. Whatever is your highest priority right now, that’s where your focus will be. Think long term and work towards setting solid foundations to move forward with for 2021. You want to sort out what your intensions are and make a commitment. Of course, when we talk commitment, our minds can go straight to relationships, but it’s not always about the relationship you have with someone else, sometimes, it’s simply about the relationship you have with yourself. So, this week, be mindful to make a commitment to yourself, like a new year’s resolution and stay within integrity with yourself and see it through. But don’t try to do too much. You are best to focus on one main thing at a time, than to be overwhelmed and not do anything.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog FEB 02, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog FEB 02, 2021

Libra Moon Trines the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. This formation and combination of planetary energy will assist you in sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone close. Use this time to connect or reconnect with others and reach out to see how they are. Your effort in this way will build stronger bonds with those you love.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 02, 2021

Uncategorized Dec 31, 2020

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 02, 2021

Leo Moon trines Venus in Sagittarius. This interaction between Leo and Sagittarius in fire signs is great energy for the start of the year. Leo being a fixed sign pushes you forward into the new year, and Sagittarius being a mutable sign is light and easy with positive optimistic energy. The energy of these two together is dynamic in a way that sets your intensions in place for the new year. It gives you something to look forward. And no matter what situation you are in right now, and with the difficulties of what is still going on around t

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 01, 2021

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2020

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 01, 2021

Happy New Year, and to kick the year off Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. The combined Mercury Neptune energy is amazing. Mercury being the thinking planet she provides you with clarity and then to be able to use your voice to express yourself. And Neptune is the ruler of intuition, imagination and inspiration. When these two interact in a favorable way, as they are now, together they can shift your focus from maybe to let’s do it! Get clarity as to what you want in life and nothing or nobody will stop you from achieving your dreams.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 31, 2020

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 31, 2020

Leo Moon opposite both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.

The energy of the Leo moon is opposite both Jupiter and Saturn and this amazing energy can be used for manifesting. You can use the big energy of the Leo coupled with the abundant energy of Jupiter and the grounding energy of Saturn to form your grand plan and to think big and visualize what you want in life. Saturn will help you put solid foundations down to make it happen. Use the big energy of Leo combined with the intense emotional energy of the moon to step forward into a bright future by visualizing exactly what you want to attract in your life. With this energy, it’s very important to think about what you want rather than what you don’t want. And if you can master that with consistency, you will on your way to success!

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 30, 2020

Uncategorized Dec 28, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 30, 2020

Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. The square formation is known to be a challenging time, but not so much with these two, as the Sagittarian and Pisces energy are both mutable signs, so the energy is easier going and softer. And particularly as Venus in Sagittarius is very flirtatious and lighthearted and Neptune is inspirational and imaginative, these two together, even though it’s a square formation, have the effect of helping you to overlook any challenges or irritations in your life. Focus on being open moving forward with a soft heart and a more optimistic overview. And certainly, this time of year it’s the time of gratitude and to welcome new people, experiences and situations into your life with open arms and an open heart.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 29, 2020

Uncategorized Dec 27, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 29, 2020

Full Moon in Cancer means the Sun is opposite in Capricorn. The full moon energy is all about closing off, and particularly at this time of year to close off anything that you don’t want to take forward into your life, which opens you up to receive what you do want in your life. The Cancer full moon, as the Moon rules Cancer, is very powerful emotional energy, particularly as this is in water energy. With the Sun in Capricorn this energy can bring balance between your home life and family and your business and career. This week particularly is a great time to think about what you want to attract in your life going forward and it’s a very powerful time to do that with the energy of the full moon.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 28, 2020

Uncategorized Dec 26, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 28, 2020

Gemini Moon is opposite Venus in Sagittarius. This interaction can spark change or a development in some way, so be open to what happens next. And as these signs are mutable and easier going energy in nature than some of the other sun signs, it allows you to go with the flow. Venus in Sagittarius is flirtatious and fun, and the Moon in Gemini allows your inner child to come out to play, and as this is the holidays, it’s the perfect time to enjoy yourself. And for those who have trouble letting go of responsibility, my message for you today, is to do one thing, at least, that gives you joy and makes you smile.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 27, 2020

Uncategorized Dec 25, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 27, 2020

Capricorn Sun trines Uranus in Taurus, and as they are both earth signs whatever you do right now, the earth element provides the grounding for things to stick. However, the Uranus energy can mean that something can suddenly have a development so be mindful to keep your schedule flexible, even if it does rearrange your day planner. The earth sign energy does not particularly like change, so it can push you out of your comfort zone somewhat, and if you can just go with the energy and what the day or occasion presents, you can uncover a situation, prospect or opportunity that can be very positive. Try to go with the flow and not lock in to tightly with how you think things should be.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 26, 2020

Uncategorized Dec 24, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 26, 2020

Gemini Moon trines both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. The Gemini Moon is lighthearted, and I love this energy as it allows your inner child to come out, and especially great for weekend energy, that’s of course if you get to have the weekend off. And if so, then plan on having some fun and connecting with others who are light and positive in their energy. And even if you can’t get out and about right now, depending on if your area is in lockdown, then be sure to make an effort online to connect with new and old friends. And with the Moon interacting with both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, the Aquarius anything really is about anything goes. So, let loose and decide right here and now to have fun and enjoy yourself.

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