ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 13, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 13, 2021

Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius and Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus.  The Mars and Saturn energy and fix signs can cause certain amount of frustration especially if you’re trying to move forward and circumstances force you to slow down. Try to go with the flow as when something is not moving forward with ease then they could be a good reason for it. When you take a step back a Development can take place pave the way for you to step forward. The Venus Uranus interaction in earth signs can help you build solid contacts, relationships that last!

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 12, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 11, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 12, 2021

New Moon in Capricorn conjuncts with powerful Pluto. This interaction has a great deal of energy behind it with the combination of emotional moon energy and powerful Pluto. Be prepared to allow any feelings to come to surface, even if it is intense, especially if it concerns a situation you have been putting off dealing with for a while now. You can use this energy to release blocked feelings that possibly have been holding you back. Allow your emotions to come to the surface and let them go, without trying to analyze them too much.  There is no point going over and over a past situation, as in he said, she said, type of analysis. Truth be known, you’ve probably done this more than enough and now it’s just time to release it and move on!

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 11, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 10, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 11, 2021

Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Aquarius. Mercury, being the communication planet, and as Jupiter is the planet of abundance and growth, with these two connecting in Aquarius anything is possible. Of course, everything starts from a thought, that’s Mercury, and inspired vision, that’s Jupiter. And in the sign of Aquarius this energy allows you to literally think outside the box and take any thoughts, particularly of a creative nature, to the next stage and build upon what you already have to make it bigger and better. So, with this combined vibrational energy it is certainly not a time to be thinking small as this will not serve you well, or anyone else for that matter. This week, get in touch with what your real dreams are, what you really want to achieve. And no matter what is going on in the world, or in your particular part of the world, don’t let anything stop you from staying in touch with your inner wisdom and having big...

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 10, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 09, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 10, 2021

Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn. Mercury in Aquarius is a highly creative aspect and can get you thinking of genius type of thoughts that provide ideas and concepts that are above the normal level of everyday thoughts. Be mindful to schedule in some solo time to think things through, after all, when you have a brilliant thought, you want to grasp and record it, so you can start visualizing and put it into action, but first, there is the gestation period. And as Mercury and Saturn will conjunct, connect at the same Degree, then this is an indication that that what you put into place now can provide security on a long-term basis.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 09, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 09, 2021

Venus in Capricorn trines Mars in Taurus. This is amazing energy for both love and money, and other areas of your life depending where it falls within your solar and birth chart. When it’s about relationships, and romance, Venus and Mars are the love duo planets. Venus is romance and Mars is passion, so the two together provide a beautiful balance. With business, Venus in Capricorn is excellent for financial endeavors and Mars in Taurus helps you make strategic decisions. The Mars Taurus energy is opposite as Taurus likes to ponder and Mars like to act and be impulsive, but the tow together can give you a chance to step back and evaluate without being rash.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 08, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 08, 2021

Mercury moves to Aquarius and Venus to Capricorn. There’s a lot of movement today in the star-chart and as Mercury, the communication planet, makes his move to Aquarius, there is a great potential to birth unique and different thoughts. Depending on what area of life this falls in your solar chart and your personal chart, genius type ideas and concepts can come through now. However, often to access thoughts of this nature you need to have some quiet time to allow the thoughts to filter through rather than get caught up with the busyness of life. And as Venus makes her move to Capricorn, on a business level, finances and career matters look positive. And on a personal level, relationships have a sense of commitment and security. Stay open to what comes next.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 07, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 07, 2021

Moon enters Scorpio and opposite Mars. As the emotional energy of the Moon enters the water sign and intense energy of Scorpio, it will also line up right opposite the passionate energy of Mars. When the energy is intense it can highlight feelings within you, which can spark what could be end up being an overly impulsive move. However, this can be frustrating as Mars in Taurus doesn’t particularly like sudden or fast changes but perhaps it’s just what you need to push you out of the place that’s keeping you small and into a new beginning, which is much more expensive and abundant. Keep an open mind and push forward even if it does feel like you’re stepping out of your comfort zone.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 06, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 06, 2021

Passionate Mars enters Taurus, ruled by romantic Venus. When the vibrational energy of Mars and Venus are together it’s a sign that love, romance and passion are close by. However, it’s up to you to open your heart and let love in. Be mindful, though, that there are certain frustrations with Mars in Taurus, and the energy in many ways is conflicting. Mars is impulsive and Taurus is deliberate in its thoughts, actions and how they move forward. But instead of getting frustrated if things aren’t exactly moving at the speed that you want them to, you can use this time to take a step back and ponder your next move. Ask yourself, does this feel right, is this a good move for me, and will it move me in the direction of my desired outcome? When you take a moment to sit in solitude, reflect and ask questions, answers to come with such clarity that it surprises you.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 05, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 05, 2021

Libra Moon trines both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.  The Libra Moon helps to keep things in perspective, as you look at the pros and cons of a situation in your life. But be careful not to overthink a situation because even though the ability to analyze is indeed a characteristic gift, when the Moon is involved it’s a message to get in touch with your feelings as well as your logical senses and when something looks right and feels right there’s a good chance it is right. And as this planetary interaction trines, which is a favorable astral aspect, with both Jupiter and Saturn, opportunities can open for you to consider. But keep in mind that when Aquarius is involved, things can take on a different slant. So, the way you are used to things being, may not be how they develop – be flexible! Libra Moon is beautiful energy as it helps us to connect with others and focuses on relationships, but not just romantic...

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 04, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 04, 2021

Communication planet Mercury conjuncts with powerful Pluto in Capricorn. With both these planets connecting in the sign of Capricorn the combined energy can shift the emotions of even the most stoic of characters. It’s a great trait to be strong but showing your feelings and allowing your feeling to come to the surface is not a sign of weakness. Instead, to show your vulnerable side, and to show it to someone you trust and care deeply about, shows you are human and capable of compassion and sensitivity. Use this energy between Mercury and Pluto to feel whatever comes up for you without pushing it down. It is so easy just to avoid how you feel, but so very powerful and empowering to actually feel it and show it.

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