ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 24, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 24, 2021

IT’S A GREAT FEELING when you can use your voice to express yourself and all without think too much about what you are saying. But, sometimes, like today, it may be best to edit your words, or at least think through what you want to say. If you don’t want to be that person who just blurts things out, and in an untimely manner, especially if it is an awkward or sensitive topic, then take time to think through your approach.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 23, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 22, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 23, 2021

Getting in touch with how you feel is a great thing, and today’s energy can allow you to do that, but be careful you don’t rush forward and say something before you are ready. Relinquishing your thoughts and powerful thoughts at that, because they come from your emotions, may not be the best idea you have. Better to think things though, not too much that you get confused, but just enough that you have a game plan to put action to and follow through.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 22, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 22, 2021

Today is a good time to shift your focus to your financial life and situation. If an opportunity comes right out of the blue, you want to quickly assess whether you think it will be a good fit for you. If so, then be prepared to shift gears and do some quick research. It is never a good idea to take someone’s word 100%, even if you do thrust them, t the end of the day, you are responsible for the decisions you make, and that means having enough information on hand so you can make an informed decision.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 21, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 21, 2021

Be careful to sidestep anyone who is intent on getting in your face. The last thing you (or anyone) needs right now is to deal with someone who is cranky for no reason. There is something to be said for minding your own business and staying clear of people who have strong opinions. Sometimes, silence is the best course of action = try it!

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ANGEL’S Daily Wisdom APRIL 20, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Wisdom APRIL 20, 2021

Do you know who you are, really? Are you aware of how you operate, what your code of operation is? Are you a thinker or a doer? There are no wrong answers here, both are necessary, and some people have both qualities high on their list of strengths, which do you have? Once you have the answer to this question, you can step forward with confidence and certainty to make your next more, with the knowledge that although everyone may not agree with you, you are comfortable with your own place in life and with the position you take!

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 19, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 17, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 19, 2021

Be careful of getting into a power-play with someone you just don’t see eye-to-eye with. If as situation is not important to you, then do your best to turn the other cheek and walk away. This is a time where you are best to think long term rather than get caught up in an impulsive emotion that can lead you off track. Stay focused on the now and present and cast your thoughts to the outcome you desire.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 18, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 18, 2021

Aries Sun Squares Pluto in Capricorn and the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Aries.  Stay within integrity, not just with others, but also with yourself, it’s important to set intentions that you can action and follow through on. When you tell yourself you are going to do something and don’t do it, you become out of integrity with yourself. And with the Aries Sun, it is easy to schedule too much to do in the time frame you have available. And as Mercury, the communication planet, is also involved, be careful not to over promise to others.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 17, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 17, 2021

Mars trines Jupiter, Mercury sextiles Jupiter and Mars as well as Mercury squares Pluto. The Moon makes her move to Cancer – all in all, a very busy astrological day!  Hold on tight, for today is a ride for those who want to grab the reins and move forward with courage and confidence. Look for opportunities and get ready to walk through doors that open for you, as well as use your voice to express yourself – this is not the time to get an attack of shyness. Step forward with conviction and others will listen to what you have to say.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 16, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2021

 ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 16, 2021

Aries Sun Squares Pluto in Capricorn. Great and powerful action oriented combined energy with Aries and Capricorn both being cardinal signs, as both of these signs are doers, they like to get things in order and in place, they put thoughts into action, or at least delegate to others to do so. The square can be challenging, and the energy in this case, can help you push through to get things done. A time to take action!

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 15, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2021

 ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 15, 2021

Aries Sun sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius. I love the Aries Sun, as it represents the beginning of anything that is on the top of your priority list. The energy promotes getting a plan down and getting down some action paints and putting it into action. And as the Sun sextiles in Aquarius, this energy helps you to think outside the box, and when you can find your point your point of difference, then you have a real strong story to tell and a path to follow.

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