Keep control of your own life!

Uncategorized May 05, 2021

Keep control of your own life! It’s very nice if others are so interested in you that they just want to do the best for you. But it’s the others that you want to avoid, those who just think they ‘know’ what is best for you, and then continue to sell it to you, time after time. You are your own person, remember that. And therefore, you are generally able to think and for yourself. And if so, then you can politely let others know.. I got this!!

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Intuitive thoughts can come as a spark of Inspiration.

Uncategorized May 04, 2021

Intuitive thoughts can come as a spark of Inspiration.  When you feel inspired, and your thoughts come through with lightening power, get ready to record them. Don’t rely on your memory. When you are hot with ideas and concepts that can make a difference in your life, you want to remember them so you can develop me them further. Otherwise, an idea without action, remains just that, an idea.

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Todayā€™s energy challenges you to step out of your comfort zone

Uncategorized May 03, 2021

Today’s energy challenges you to step out of your comfort zone. And to do this, the first step is to listen to your inner guidance, and in this way, you will see and feel if you have a reluctance to moving forward with a situation or issue. If so, ask yourself what your reluctance is? Is it from a situation that occurred in the past and relates to an old story you keep telling yourself.? Or is it from stepping into the unknown. Once you gain clarity of this question, you Canmore easily gain knowledge understanding and insight, which will help you move forward.

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Opportunities can come through now but be sure to analyze them for suitability.

Uncategorized May 02, 2021

Opportunities can come through now but be sure to analyze them for suitability. Some opportunities are automatically a great fit, and when all the stars align, your logical and intuitive senses are congruent, then yes, you should just go for it. But if there is confusion or uncertainty, then don’t be in so much of a rush. Take time to review, research andn meditate to gain clarity as to how suitable an opportunity will be for YOU.

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Be Inspired! And how do you achieve Inspiration?

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAY 02, 2021
Be Inspired! And how do you achieve Inspiration?
Take time out, even if you have to schedule it in your day planner, it is important to put aside time in your schedule to do the things. Inspiration can come through at any time, but it is up to you to step out of the busyness of life, even for a moment, and listen. You are powerful within!

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How to achieve balance with your decision making

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAY 01, 2021
How to achieve balance with your decision making 

Aim for balance, within yourself. When you have an alignment between how you feel about something and it logically makes sense and these two are aligned, then you have synergy and balance. And to achieve this will mean when making decision for your life, you will want to take time to sit back and think things through. Give yourself time to achieve balance, and then you can rest easy, knowing you made the best decision for yourself.

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When you have an opportunity..

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 30, 2021

When you have an opportunity, be careful not to jump in too fast with either agreeing or disagreeing, especially if it is about money. Do your research. And if someone is intent on trying to push you forward to decide, you must wonder why. Is it a legitimate deadline, if you don’t act now, you will miss out? Or is it just ‘their’ deadline that they are just being pushy about? Keep in mind that if you are not sure about something, you need to delve a bit deeper to see what your resistance is. Do you have an inner gut feel that things are not right, or at least not right for you? Or is it coming from fear? Either way, if it doesn’t feel right, my advice would be to take a step back and delve deeper into how you feel as well as do some research. And you may miss out on an opportunity, well, that’s life, there will be another one - the most important thing is for you to feel good about the decisions you make for...

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ANGELā€™S Daily Blog APRIL 29, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 29, 2021

I was just discussing meditation with a friend on our morning walk. She said she was finding it hard to meditate right now cos she has so much going on..
Solution.. As Nike says.. Just Do It!! 
Just to keep the habit of meditating, every day, regardless of how deep or long you meditate for. The aim is to clear your mind of busyness and gain moments of silence, where you can get in touch with your inner senses, gain more clarity and connect to source energy - this is the gateway to manifestation!

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Uncategorized Apr 27, 2021

Things can get intense this week, so you want to be able to walk away from a situation that may not present anything more than tension and upset. Do you need to go through that? Maybe, but maybe not? If you feel it is necessary to hit a situation head on to clear its energy, and you are up to dealing with it emotionally, then go ahead. Otherwise, sidestep and focus on something happier and more positive. And even if you do get in the middle of something, then immediately shift your energy by shifting your thoughts to a situation, memory or vision that gives you joy.

One of the main things that comes up this week for ‘everyone’ is to stay within integrity, not just with others, but also with yourself. Be careful of promising to yourself that you will do something and not follow through. If you do this too many times, then yes, you are out of integrity within yourself – watch your self-talk, too.

Finally, keep your schedule flexible. You...

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ANGELā€™S Daily Blog APRIL 27, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 27, 2021

DEAL WITH DEEP EMOTIONS, Instead of Pushing Down.

Pretty well everyone has secrets, even me and even you. And some of those secrets can be well buried in our subconscious, and for some these secrets can be so painful that it is too difficult to deal with. Now and again, something can take place in our life, an event or memory triggered, that will provide a link or association to our secrets and they can rise to the surface. When this happens, it’s a sign that you can deal with it, and if so, it is good to recognize and release. However, in the process of releasing try not to get too caught up in analysis, which can serve to keep you stuck. Feel the emotion and let it go. Allow yourself to get emotional, and then imagine the emotion is leaving your body. Take a deep breath and push the breath out while letting go of your emotional secret.

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