What other's have to say! 
Jessie, PMK*BNC

 “I’m writing to you on behalf of the PMK*BNC office here in NYC. We are a PR agency working with a variety of brands and talent, and are avid readers of your horoscopes (we do not miss a day). Your words truly speak to each of us, relating to our lives in ways we could not even begin to imagine. From the Libras to the Capricorn, we take our daily horoscope reads very seriously and it has become a ritual amongst the entire office.”

Jessie, PMK*BNC

“I’m writing to you on behalf of the PMK*BNC office here in NYC. We are a PR agency working with a variety of brands and talent, and are avid readers of your horoscopes (we do not miss a day). Your words truly speak to each of us, relating to our lives in ways we could not even begin to imagine. From the Libras to the Capricorn, we take our daily horoscope reads very seriously and it has become a ritual amongst the entire office.”

Director of Sales


“I have known Jennifer for several years…. she has shared the most important moments of my life. Jennifer is always so on point with many things, detailed readings with the desire to guide. Jennifer has helped me to find my own way.

Thanks for this wonderful journey.”


Prosperity Coach

Jennifer's insight into the details of how the planets are aligned at birth is amazing. I have had in the past my birth and transit chart done and in no way did it resemble the quality of work that Jennifer offers. I highly recommend that you connect with Jennifer to validate that your life lessons and gifts are used in the right and soulful way. You will be grounded in your soul's destiny and your life lessons. Blessings and love.

What Other's Say...



Thank you so much for your fantastic horoscopes each week!!  They are so spectacular right and to the point, you are the best!! Thank you so much.  I like your new site! Very best wishes  

Gerry G

I used to follow you in the New York Daily News, so I am thrilled that I found you here.  You've always been spot on with your predictions.

David J – You Tube

So right on, I start new job this weekend and its the first job I went after that is directly related to my morals and values, finally all aspects of my life are starting to reflect the healthier and happier person I am striving to become. 

As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February   10, 2025

You are on a crash course for success and happiness. There are opportunities to fine-tune your life now. This is a time of transformation, but to be successful, first, you need to know what you want to achieve. With money, be mindful to set boundaries when lending to friends!

Week February   03, 2025

Front-page career news can put you in a positive position. With love, an unexpected introduction to someone wonderful could lead to much more than you first imagined. A friend from the past can play a major role.  A family situation can reset your boundaries.

As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February 10, 2025 

To find love, look through different eyes and be careful not to judge someone purely by their first impression. Trust your instincts, they will tell you everything you need to know. Make sense of a personal matter by discussing it with a good friend for a different viewpoint.

Week February 03, 2025 

Friends, family, and partner are all on your radar now, and a special love connection can reveal itself just when you’re not expecting it. At work, think about the future and consider your options. With money matters, pay attention to your intuition and trust it.

As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February 10, 2025

Changes are taking place at work and fast thinking is needed to keep up with everything. A discussion can quickly turn around to be in your favor, and it’s important to trust your intuition. Don’t play mind games with someone you love and respect, instead, speak from your heart.

Week February 03, 2025

Your communication skills can solve just about anything, but make sure you say what you mean. Whether you’re in love or looking for love, being independent is an attractive trait. Build relationships with people at work you admire, and they will help you win.

As Published in STAR Magazine  

Week February 10, 2025

When it concerns your career, you can take a risk but do your research first. Being passionate about life is a direct path to the top. Love for your future is better than a frivolous fling no matter how passionate it is. Love and money are both highlighted, be positive! 

Week February 03, 2025

Life moves into the fast lane, and opportunities head your way. Pay attention to your intuition - if stress and strain are beating a path to your door, incorporate more work-life balance to stay centered. To find soul-love, develop a strong friendship.

As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February 10, 2025

You have a new start with love! The powerful energy of the Sun can create magic but be careful of losing your individuality in the process of being there for someone else. At work, be a leader, and follow through on a new development.

Week February 03, 2025

It’s your time to shine! Your brilliant mind and expert knowledge can have you rubbing shoulders with power players. Take advantage of a lucky connection with someone influential to boost your cash flow. When you are in love heaven, keep a level head.

As Published in STAR Magazine

Week February 10, 2025

Venus now in your zone of intimacy brings love and romance closer to your heart. Get ready to meet someone wonderful and exciting. A discussion at work can throw you into a spin but new challenges provide a chance for you to prove yourself.

Week February 03, 2025

The arrival of a mysterious newcomer on the scene has their eyes fixated on you! Love pulls on your heartstrings but stay focused on what’s happening at work. If you are caught up in a whirlwind of activity, be careful not to overlook important details.

As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February 10, 2025

If you have someone special in your life, nourish them with love. Relationships are about support and challenge, and every partnership needs some compromise. Work is demanding, but don’t neglect your personal life. Keep a level of balance. 

Week February 03, 2025

Love vibes are red hot! A caring sharing attitude is great, but be careful of being overly possessive, as it could ruin a good thing. As work enters a new and exciting phase, a matter that has tested you in the past can now resolve itself.

As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February 10, 2025

Don’t let anyone rush you into making a major decision, wait until you have all the facts on the table. Think through all the pros and cons before you agree or disagree. You can change the status quo of your life now, and all for the better. Book a pampering session can control stress. 

Week February 03, 2025

People you meet now can help shift your career into the winner’s circle. Stay focused on your personal and professional goals. Don’t get distracted by others who think they know what is best for you. Pay attention to your intuition. Follow your own advice.

As Published in STAR Magazine  

Week February 10, 2025

A creative project close to your heart can get the go-ahead now. Your creativity can bring in extra money during this time. A family talk can smooth over a rough patch, but you may need to make the first move. Love moments can be unforgettable.

Week February 03, 2025

You can fall under a love spell, but only if you are prepared to let go of the past. Don’t take anything as settled, there is more to come. An opportunity to boost your career can give you a second chance to do something you love that can increase your finances.

As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February 10, 2025

You’re riding the career wave of success. And when you are in the spotlight, you’ll want to make the most of the attention. Combining pleasure and work can be beneficial now. A lucky break at work can quickly move your career ahead. Look for love that provides stability.

Week February 03, 2025

Financial support and romance are both important. Right now, love and money can combine. If you’re having trouble saying how you feel, remember that actions can say a lot more. On the work scene, double-check and follow through. Persistence pays off. 

9As Published in STAR Magazine 

Week February 10, 2025

You are entering a brand-new positive phase. Take control of your life, and don’t let anyone else make your decisions. Singles can meet a perfect intellectual match, with couples declaring their love for each other. The year ahead looks bright, be optimistic!

Week February 03, 2025

It’s time to stand up and be counted! Don’t allow someone to take over your work territory or step on your toes. If love plans are on hold, don’t worry, it will sort itself out. Be creative with money, as there could be another way to get what you want. 

As Published in STAR Magazine

Week February 10, 2025

Managing your time is crucial to get ahead. Don’t entertain anything or anyone who is not a priority. Good news heads your way concerning money. The stars indicate that your cash flow can improve. Love comes when you are clear about the type of person you want to attract.

Week February 03, 2025

Your financial position is looking up! Stay focused on your highest priorities to make progress in achieving your goals and dreams. When it concerns love, don’t hold back when saying what you need to say. Be open, honest, and dream big, this is your time!