ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 06, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 06, 2021

Venus in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini. Venus in Aires, which is ruled by fiery and passionate Mars, is all about action, but slow down as Mars in Gemini will help you think things through. Admittedly, sometimes life does require you to take  a risk, but the more you feel better about what you are doing, as in thinking and feeling, the more relaxed you will be about your decision.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 05, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 05, 2021

Capricorn Moon conjuncts Pluto. The moon and Pluto together in Capricorn certainly makes you think deeply as Pluto helps you dig down real deep to see if anything is really bothering you and then you can bring it up and deal with it and release it, which of course it’s all easier to say than to do. But with a little courage and call to action, releasing the past can be incredibly empowering.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 04, 2021

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 04, 2021

Capricorn Moon squares the Sun and Venus. True, a square formation between planets can be challenging, but in this case, it is mild as the Sun and Venus in Aries can easily and quickly let go of situations or feelings without holding on to a grudge. Simply put, even though the Aries energy can be impulsive and fly off the handle at time, the energy influence can mean that people have way too much to do than to be holding on to any one thing for too long. And the Capricorn Moon can bring a logical and common-sense solution to anything, even an emotional situation. As always, and even more so with the cardinal energy of these planetary and moon placements, take a step back and think though your approach.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 02, 2021

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 02, 2021

Mercury in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn.

This interaction supports clear thinking with Mercury’s energy, the communication planet, and as it is in Pisces, it’s more about the communication you have with yourself. As it interacts with Pluto, keep in mind that your dealings need to be of the highest level of honesty. It’s about integrity, but not just with others, it’s about following through with what you say to yourself and building that integrity within where you do what you tell yourself you will do.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 01, 2021

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog APRIL 01, 2021

SAGITTARIUS Moon trines both the Sun and Venus. This interaction between eh Moon, Sun and Venus can open up opportunities for both love and money. With love, as the Moon is in Sagittarius the main of the day is to have fun and not take any thing or person too seriously. And as the Sun and Venus are both in the fire sign of Aires, Love is passionate and connected and with business, the people you connect with now can be influential so make sure you have time to spend with them. Sit back, listen and learn.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 31, 2021

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 31, 2021

Sun in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. This planetary interaction is a positive connection to get things done. The Saturn influence in Aquarius sharpens your mind, and at the same time allows you to make common sense decisions that can last a lifetime.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 30, 2021

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 30, 2021
Venus in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius.
The combination of energy between Venus, in Aries, ruled by Mars, is a powerful for connections and introduction. As these two energies represent the ying and yang of romance and passion. And as Saturn is in Aquarius, you can move forward now with something different that can set foundation’s for future developments.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 29, 2021

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 29, 2021

Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces.

These planets are amazing together, Mercury the thinking planet and Neptune the planet of inspiration. Here is how you can use the energy.

Personal: Don’t try to fix someone else’s problem, and instead, offer suggestions of what they ‘could do’ being careful not to dictate what you feel they ‘should-do’.

Professional: Take time out today to allow inspired thought and your imagination to come through. Sit for 5-Min, close your eyes and ask for the answer to a situation to come through. Be open to allow information to filter through.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 27, 2021

Uncategorized Mar 25, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 27, 2021
Virgo Moon is opposite both Mercury and Neptune in Pisces.

The Moon in Virgo helps you to balance your emotional senses with your logical senses and therefore it’s a good fit. And as the Moon is opposite both Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, this really helps you to be inspired as well as sharp with your thought processes. When this happens, you can gain a great deal of clarity as to what do you want to do and a plan to arrive at your desired destination.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 26, 2021

Uncategorized Mar 25, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog MAR 26, 2021
Virgo Moon helps you balance your intuitive senses with common sense.
And a trine between the Virgo Moon and Uranus in Taurus, which are both logical common sense earth signs. The vibrational energy can show you the way, the path to take, the right path, the journey that will have the least resistance. However, at the end of the day, as the Virgo Moon squares Mars in Gemini, you will need to be careful of how you communicate. Be mindful to be diplomatic.

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