Your Planetary Report June 12 2023 - unlock your true potential

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2023

This week, Pluto retrogrades transit from Aquarius back to the sign of Capricorn. Pluto is a powerful and transformative planet, and its retrograde motion can have a significant impact on our lives. As it moves back into Capricorn, we may experience a heightened sense of ambition and determination to succeed in our careers and other areas of life. However, this energy can also be intense and potentially disruptive if not channeled in a positive direction. It's important to stay grounded and focused during this transit and to use Pluto's transformative power to create positive change in your life. 

On the 15th, Mercury in Gemini squares with Saturn in Pisces. This aspect may create some tension or obstacles in communication and decision-making. The quick and adaptable energy of Mercury in Gemini may clash with the more structured and disciplined energy of Saturn in Pisces. It's important to be patient and thoughtful in your communication during this time and to avoid making impulsive decisions. However, this aspect can also bring opportunities for growth and learning, as it encourages us to confront challenges and find creative solutions. Overall, it's a time to stay focused and adaptable, while also remaining grounded and disciplined in your approach to achieving your goals. 

Saturday 17th, Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo. This aspect brings opportunities for socializing, networking, and artistic expression. Mercury in Gemini combines well with the creative and confident energy of Venus in Leo, creating an atmosphere of excitement and possibility. This is a great time to connect with others and share your ideas and passions, whether in your personal or professional life. It's also a time to embrace your own creativity and express yourself in new and exciting ways. Overall, this aspect encourages us to embrace our individuality and celebrate the unique beauty and talents of ourselves and others. 

The new Moon in Gemini, also on the 17, or 18th, depending on where you are located in the world, represents a time of new beginnings and heightened communication. Gemini is known for its curious and sometimes mischievous nature, making this a great time to explore new ideas, learn new skills, and connect with others. The new Moon phase is a time for setting intentions and goals, and with the energy of Gemini behind us, we're encouraged to be open-minded and flexible in our approach to achieving them. This is also a great time to focus on improving communication in all areas of our lives, whether it's with friends, family, or coworkers. Overall, the new Moon in Gemini is a time for growth, learning, and connection. 

Saturn enters a retrograde transit on the 17th, its energy shifts inward, creating an opportunity for introspection and reflection. With Saturn in Pisces, this retrograde can bring up emotions related to boundaries, restrictions, and responsibilities. You may find yourself reflecting on your relationships and the ways in which you need to set healthy boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. This is also a time to take a closer look at your goals and ambitions and assess whether they align with your values and beliefs. Use this retrograde transit as an opportunity to slow down and reevaluate your priorities, so that you can move forward with greater clarity and purpose. 

There is a lot to think about this week, and I hope you all feel satisfied with your progress! 

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