Horoscope planetary report - April 01, 2024 by Jennifer Angel


Welcome to the week of April 1st.

So, we are between two eclipses right now, and the energy is very intense. We just had the lunar eclipse a week ago and that was in the sign of Libra, and in Libra, it is great because it's all about relationships. But because it's a lunar eclipse, which is very intense Full Moon energy, then it really can be a make-it-or-break-it time. There's no guarantee that relationships are going to be amazing or challenging, it could signify both. They could come to a head, which then gives you a chance to attain closure and be able to move on. In the other sense, then yes, it could also bring things to a head, which can make things much better and improved, as you tackle any areas that have developed cracks in your relationships. It can give you a chance to mend things so you strengthen the relationship. So, for sure, with eclipse energy things can go either way.

This week, Mercury enters its retrograde transit on April 1. And as it has been in the...

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Horoscope and planetary analysis Week March 25 2024

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2024

Get ready for the eclipse season! This week, right on the morning of 25th March the lunar eclipse, which is a full Moon with the Moon in the sign of Libra and the Sun on the opposite axis in the sign of Aries.

Eclipse in Libra, which is ruled by Venus, and in the solar 7th house of relationships, there will be a high level of intense energy on all relationships, including love and romantic unions. Full moon energy, with the added intensity of an eclipse, provides a time when relationships can heal or come back together, and the lunar eclipse energy can also be a make-it or break-it energy. It can give you closure to walk away from a relationship that is just not serving you well now, or in the past, and with no evidence of it being different for the future.

For those located in the USA, the eclipse Pacific time will be right on the stroke of midnight as the clock turns to the 25th, and Eastern time it will be 3.00 am, which makes any time on Sunday the 24th leading up to this event...

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Horoscope and planetary analysis Week March 18 2024

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2024

Welcome to the week of March 18, 2024. The sun will make its move from the highly intuitive sign of Pisces into the more action-oriented sign of Aries. In Aries, the energy pushes us forward to get things done, review our to-do lists, review our goals, and our intentions, and put some urgency on making changes in our lives.

Midweek, planet Pluto brings opportunities, and certainly chance meetings, so be open to what happens next and be open to inviting different, and interesting people and scenarios into your life. At the same time, Venus and Saturn will connect in the sign of Pisces, which is an excellent interaction of planetary vibratory energies on many levels. First, if you’re looking for love, then Venus and Saturn together can help you find love that’s sincere and more of a permanent nature. However, as these energies are sitting in the sign of Pisces, it helps to not get too serious. Remember that life is to be enjoyed, and the placement reminds us to incorporate...

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Weekly Horoscope report planetary interactions, by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2024

The recent new Moon in Pisces had the capacity to spark your intuition and inner guidance, and tune into your heart to access your inner wisdom, allowing inspired imagination to be birthed. The new Moon means the Sun and Moon are connected, in a conjunction, meaning both the Sun and Moon were at an exact degree in the same sign, Pisces.  And with the Sun and Moon in Pisces it provides a great deal of balance as Pisces is a dual sign, highly intuitive as well as very analytical. 

Venus will make her way from friendly Aquarius to sensitive Pisces. And in this position, it helps you to connect with others, in a way that requires you to tune into the other person’s energy to see if what they say and do are congruent with how it feels. In other words, are they saying one thing, but it feels like something totally different? This is a lesson in trusting your instincts.

At the end of the weekend of March 16-17th, the Sun and Neptune will interact also in a conjunction in...

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HOROSCOPE Planetary forecasts for Week March 04 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Feb 29, 2024

This week commences with Mercury, the communication planet, in a favorable interaction with Uranus. However, you will want to get ready to act quickly, because when Uranus is involved, things can come out of the blue, and a conversation right now can move a project or situation quickly to the next stage, so be ready.

Later in the week, Mercury will then be in opposition to Neptune,  the planet of inspiration. This is certainly a week to investigate new ideas, and concepts that have the power to get you excited. And when you’re excited and inspired about something, then this is when a great deal of positive energy can push it forward.

At the same time, the Sun and Uranus will favorably interact, and this added energy with the Sun, makes anything possible right now. All you need to do is believe in yourself and your ideas and make a plan to move forward, one step at a time. Mars will also interact with Uranus, and this is a more challenging astral aspect and brings with it...

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Horoscopes + planetary movement Feb 26, 2024

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2024

This week commences with what is traditionally considered a challenging aspect, which is between action planet Mars and the plant of abundance Jupiter. This interaction encourages you not to be too hasty or make decisions too quickly or rashly. Take time to think through different scenarios and then choose the best path and journey to get the result you desire.

The Sun, Mercury and Saturn will all connect. With these interactions, called conjunctions, the two planets are at the same degree in the same sign, indicating that news is about to arrive at your door. The energy interaction of these planets will land in a different area of your life, and of course, yet again in a different area in your personal chart, telling an additional story.

News can come through now, not just for things that are significant for now, but also for a long-standing commitment, which can serve you in a positive way for your future. Hence, think carefully about the direction you want to head and ensure that...

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Horoscope Feb 19 2024 - by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2024

Welcome to the week of February 19th. This month's full Moon later this week is in the sign of Virgo, which means the Sun is now in Pisces and the Moon is in Virgo. These two energies on this axis opposite each other are quite opposite energy fields, however, there are some similarities. For instance, Virgo is very organized and Pisces are very intuitive and insightful. However, as Pisces is a dual sign, with the two fishes, swimming different ways as the symbol of Pisces, one is highly intuitive, and the other is highly analytical, there are similarities between the two.

Virgo is very creative, which is similar to the insightfulness of Pisces, so together they balance each other. So, with this full Moon, it’s a time to find balance in your life between these two, balance between the logical and the intuitive. I like to say to myself; OK, so does it look right, and then does it feel right? If I get a yes, or an intuitive nudge as a yes, for both of these, then that would be my...

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Horoscope Week Feb 12, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2024

The week commences with action planet Mars making his move from the sign of Capricorn into the more creative air sign of Aquarius. In this position, creativity is heightened with thought and insights coming quickly, so get ready and pay attention.

Venus interacts with Neptune also heightening inspired thought and particularly softening any reactions or interactions with important relationships, especially business relationships.

Planet Mars will connect with Pluto, and with this combination prepared to get in touch with the real you, what you want, what you don’t want, where you want to go and do, and also get ready for some inner realizations that can literally change your attitude, your mindset, and send you on a new and exciting path of discovery.

Later in the week, Venus will also make her move from Capricorn to Aquarius, and with this positioning, you want to be aware of not curtailing or trying to control someone’s need for independence and freedom. Otherwise, you...

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Horoscope Feb 05 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Feb 03, 2024

Mercury, the planet that governs communication, as well as creativity, and education, makes its move from the business-oriented sign of Capricorn this week to the creative air sign of Aquarius, where it joins the Sun and Pluto. This powerful position teaming up with these two high vibratory energies, can assist in really getting you inspired and creative about putting your plans into motion.

 Venus, the planet, that represents relationships and money will interact with Uranus in what’s called a Trine aspect, which is the energy of least resistance and opens paths of ease, however, it is up to you to recognize opportunities that are placed in front of you.

Midweek, Mars, the planet of motivation and action, will interact with Neptune, an inspirational energy, and provides possibilities and options for consideration. As Mars sits in Capricorn, a business-minded sign, and Neptune in Pisces, a highly inspirational placement, it’s a message to pay attention to your...

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Horoscope Week Jan 29, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2024

Uranus, the planet of sudden changes interacts with the Sun, Mercury and Mars this week all in what’s called a beneficiary Trine astral aspect. The Trine is known to present opportunities, different options and various possibilities, so in this sense; you want to pay attention to the signs of synchronicity. Chance meetings and running into people, perhaps reconnecting with others, and meeting people who know you haven’t met before, however, you have such a strong sense of familiarity. These are all signs that the universe is working in your favor; so do pay attention to what happens during this time. Trust your instincts! 

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, expansion, transformation and growth, is in a challenging aspect with the Sun. However, the square formation is not so challenging between these two astral energies. Be mindful to keep your highest realization and expectations unlimited, and then make sure you’re allowing the time necessary for whatever you...

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