Horoscope Week Jan 08 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2024

Welcome to the week of January 8! This week starts with Mercury, the planet of communication, education, and creativity squaring Neptune. Now, a square is traditionally a challenging astral aspect, however between Neptune and Mercury not so much. However, it does bring with it a message to be somewhat realistic about what you choose to do and achieve. Of course, you can do anything, however, it is wise to think of how much time you have to complete a project, goal, or task. And although yes, you can do everything, perhaps not all at once. So, this is a message in prioritizing and pacing.

Midweek, the Sun will Trine with Uranus, and this will open up chance meetings, and connections, and it can literally just come out of the blue, and there’s also a new Moon with the Sun presently in Capricorn. This provides added intensity and power, to bring forth, create, and make happen, anything that’s on your must-do list.

Mars will Sextile Saturn and this astral aspect between...

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Horoscope, Wk Jan 1st, YEAR AHEAD 2024 Report by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2023

Welcome everybody, as we turn the page from 2023 to 2024.

Scroll down for your sun sign report:


With the major planetary moves this year it’s shaping up to be a transformational year. However, it will require you to first get clear about what you want and next be prepared to let go of what is not working as you step into this new year and embrace change in your life.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and expansion, the lucky beneficiary planet, takes up residence in a new sign every year, and right now it is still in the sign of Taurus, through to May 26, when it will make its transition into Gemini. This sign change represents a different house and area of life for each sign, and then, of course, a different area of life and planetary interactions in your birth chart. In Taurus, as we look at the solar chart, Jupiter is very comfortable here because it sits well with Taurus's ruling planet, which is Venus. Venus and Jupiter energy together bring lots of...

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Horoscope Week December 25 2023 by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2023

Welcome and happy holidays

This final last week of the year starts with a very positive interaction between Venus and Neptune, which gets your imagination going, sparks your intuition, and focuses your attention on being more accommodating with yourself and others. 

Midweek the Sun will Trine with Jupiter, one of the most advantageous interactions for the year, and at the same time full Moon in Cancer, the sign, the Moon rules, adds even more energy to this favorable, planetary interaction. it's a time to review, renew, and reset for 2024. Use the full Moon energy and the powerful energy of the Sun and Jupiter to set your intentions in place and decide what didn’t work in 2023, so you can let it go, and make space to attract something new and better.

Towards the end of the week, at the end of the year, Mercury and Mars conjunct, and combine their energies, however, Mercury is about to come out of retrograde on the 1st of January, which means during this interaction it is...

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Horoscope Report December 18, 2023 by Jennifer Angel

The week commences with Mercury in a favorable Trine astral aspect with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, however, as Mercury is retrograde, prepare for unfinished business to come up. This is a great chance to clear energy. Once you can clear the energy and let go of past 'stuff', you will create a void and make room for something new and better to come in. Your attraction power will be more powerful. 

Later in the week, the powerful energy of the Sun will make its transition from fire sign Sagittarius to earth sign Capricorn, where it’s all about getting down to business. However, as we are heading into the holiday season, the Sun in Capricorn is great for organization and closing off this year, while getting ready to start the next year strong. Make sure you make use of this shift in energy in a positive and productive way 

At the same time, Mercury, the planet of creativity, communication, and education, will make its move from Capricorn back into Sagittarius in...

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Horoscope Report December 11, 2023 by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to the week of December 11, 2023

The week commences with an astral sextile planetary interaction bringing opportunities and in particular creative options that will relate to favorable financial remuneration. So, be on the lookout and watchful for possibilities and opportunities that cross your path. And once you see something you resonate with, don’t dillydally, because it can just as easily pass you by, so you will want to get onto it straight away. 

Shortly after, also at the start of the week, the new Moon is in Sagittarius, which means the Moon and the Sun are both in Sagittarius at the same degree, further highlighting possibilities and opportunities that provide options for you to consider. And with this new Moon, the energy prompts you to look further than just right now. For instance, what is it that you see yourself doing in one or two or even five years, and is what you’re doing right now leading you in that direction in some way? And remember,...

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Horoscope Report December 04, 2023 by Jennifer Angel - all signs on video

The week commences with Venus, the planet of love and money and relationships, making her way from Libra, where she’s very comfortable as this is one of the signs Venus rules, and moves into the more intense water sign of Scorpio. In this position, love can get a whole lot more intense. Venus will also interact with Saturn, in what's called the Trine aspect, an easy passage that opens up a path of least resistance. And with a combination of Venus and Saturn, some of you could be making love more permanent for the holidays. 

Midweek, Neptune, the planet of imagination, inspiration, and intuitiveness, finally comes out of its retrograde transit, and it’s in the sign of Pisces. Been here for a while and, going to be here for a while longer, and as Neptune is a co-ruler of Pisces, the energy is very comfortable here.  

Mercury, the planet of communication, education, and creativity, will interact with Jupiter. This will open up all sorts of opportunities, but...

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Horoscope report November 27, 2023

This week of Nov. 27th kicks off with the full Moon in the sign of Gemini, so this is a great time just to reevaluate things and talk things over with friends or a business partner. Ensure you are confiding in people who know what they’re talking about, you want to make sure that you discuss your business, whether it is personal or professional, with people who can provide good advice, and secondly, people who are confidential.

For the full Moon, that means that the Moon and the Sun are opposite, and in this case, the Moon is in Gemini, which means the Sun is opposite in Sagittarius. Both signs love to gather knowledge. Gemini is communicative and creative, and Sagittarius is inspirational and insightful. Together, they love to gather knowledge. Gemini can talk on any topic, perhaps not in depth on all topics, but certainly can converse on general knowledge and current affairs. Sagittarius' interest is more expansive, deeper, and philosophical, leading to broader horizons and...

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Mars Cazimi in Scorpio - The Power of Transformation

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

The cosmic energies are in motion once again, as Mars enters into a rare and powerful alignment known as cazimi in the intense sign of Scorpio. This celestial event holds great significance for astrology enthusiasts, as it brings forth a surge of transformative energy capable of catalyzing profound changes in both our external circumstances and internal landscape. In this article, we will explore the meaning, general influences, and other relevant information regarding the Mars cazimi in Scorpio.

Meaning and Significance:

Mars cazimi refers to a moment when Mars is exactly conjunct with the Sun, appearing to be "in the heart" or "at the heart" of the Sun from an Earthly perspective. This close alignment signifies an intensified merging of fiery Mars energy and the illuminating power of the Sun. When this celestial phenomenon occurs in the mystical and powerful water sign of Scorpio, known for its depth, passion, and transformative qualities, its influence becomes even more potent.


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Horoscope Week November 20, 2023

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2023

This week commences with the Sun sextile Pluto and with the Sun in Scorpio and Pluto, presently in Capricorn. This is a powerful connection, which highlights an opportunity that can come through for each and every sign not just Scorpio and Capricorn. It will, although, reflect and influence a different area of life for each sign. The message it brings for that sign, either in your solo chart or your personal natal chart, can be significant and highlight certain options, possibilities, or opportunities, so in this case, it is a very very positive and advantageous energy influence between these two powerful planets, or planet, and luminary.

Power planet Mars will also sextile Pluto, so with the Sun and Pluto and Mars and Pluto, it's like the double intensity with these two and let's not forget that everything has two sides, and Mars can either be assertive or aggressive. You want to be conscious of whether you’re reacting or responding. Take a step back and evaluate things first...

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Horoscope Week November 13, 2023

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2023

 Welcome to the week of November 13. We commence this week with a new Moon, which is in the sign of Scorpio where all things are possible because Scorpio energy dares to push through any restrictions and make it happen. The new Moon is all about new beginnings, letting go, and opening up to allow something different new, and potentially better to enter your life.

At the same time, the Sun will be in opposition to Uranus, and with this interaction, you can expect anything to happen, and probably will. So, it’s not to say that it’s good or bad, just that it can be a surprise.


Midweek, Mercury, the communication-thinking planet, will sextile Venus, and this astral aspect highlights opportunities. However, it still is up to you to notice the opportunities and be diligent about stepping forward and saying hey, that looks great for me, count me in! 

Later in the week, the Sun will Trine with Neptune, highlighting your imagination, and intuition. Take note of...

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