Horoscope planetary report, April 22 2024, by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to the week of April 22nd.

There is a full Moon this week on the 23rd, and it's in Scorpio. So, a full Moon in Scorpio is very intense energy, and in a way that it can get your attention. It's a message to think big, and ask bigger questions like; why am I here? What am I doing? What do I want to do next? What is the journey to get to where I want to end up, and what is the difference I want to make in my life, and possibly in the lives of others? And how can I devise a plan so I stay on track? So this is great energy to get clear and your life and what you want.

The full Moon in Scorpio can also cover anything that you need to see, especially if something is hidden, as it is likely to be revealed, so you will know what's going on, and be able to make more informed decisions for yourself. So, even though this can be an intense energy time with some challenges, it's also a beautiful time that can sorta force you to make changes.

Mercury will finally come out of its retrograde...

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Horoscope planetary report , April 15 2024, by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to the week of April 15th.

This week commences with a conjunction between Venus and Mercury, and remember, Mercury is still retrograde. So, you want to be careful of how you approach people, particularly as this is happening in the sign of Aries, which is a motivational sign and can also be somewhat impulsive. Okay, so take a step back, six deep breaths, and see how you feel. Then give yourself time before you do or say anything.

The Sun this week will move from Aries into Taurus. Happy Birthday, Taurus. This is very, very good just to once again focus your energy back on yourself and tune into some deep realizations that could be holding you back, and keeping your success hostage from you.

There's a connection between Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, with Uranus, a planet that can be responsible for sudden developments and changes in your life. Jupiter is a very lucky planetary vibration. These two connect in an astral conjunction at the same degree in...

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Horoscope Report December 18, 2023 by Jennifer Angel

The week commences with Mercury in a favorable Trine astral aspect with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, however, as Mercury is retrograde, prepare for unfinished business to come up. This is a great chance to clear energy. Once you can clear the energy and let go of past 'stuff', you will create a void and make room for something new and better to come in. Your attraction power will be more powerful. 

Later in the week, the powerful energy of the Sun will make its transition from fire sign Sagittarius to earth sign Capricorn, where it’s all about getting down to business. However, as we are heading into the holiday season, the Sun in Capricorn is great for organization and closing off this year, while getting ready to start the next year strong. Make sure you make use of this shift in energy in a positive and productive way 

At the same time, Mercury, the planet of creativity, communication, and education, will make its move from Capricorn back into Sagittarius in...

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Horoscope Report December 11, 2023 by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to the week of December 11, 2023

The week commences with an astral sextile planetary interaction bringing opportunities and in particular creative options that will relate to favorable financial remuneration. So, be on the lookout and watchful for possibilities and opportunities that cross your path. And once you see something you resonate with, don’t dillydally, because it can just as easily pass you by, so you will want to get onto it straight away. 

Shortly after, also at the start of the week, the new Moon is in Sagittarius, which means the Moon and the Sun are both in Sagittarius at the same degree, further highlighting possibilities and opportunities that provide options for you to consider. And with this new Moon, the energy prompts you to look further than just right now. For instance, what is it that you see yourself doing in one or two or even five years, and is what you’re doing right now leading you in that direction in some way? And remember,...

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Horoscope report November 27, 2023

This week of Nov. 27th kicks off with the full Moon in the sign of Gemini, so this is a great time just to reevaluate things and talk things over with friends or a business partner. Ensure you are confiding in people who know what they’re talking about, you want to make sure that you discuss your business, whether it is personal or professional, with people who can provide good advice, and secondly, people who are confidential.

For the full Moon, that means that the Moon and the Sun are opposite, and in this case, the Moon is in Gemini, which means the Sun is opposite in Sagittarius. Both signs love to gather knowledge. Gemini is communicative and creative, and Sagittarius is inspirational and insightful. Together, they love to gather knowledge. Gemini can talk on any topic, perhaps not in depth on all topics, but certainly can converse on general knowledge and current affairs. Sagittarius' interest is more expansive, deeper, and philosophical, leading to broader horizons and...

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Horoscope July 31 2023- Plus all 12 signs

This week commences with a few astral aspects on the 1st of August. First, there is a full Moon in Aquarius, which means the Moon is in Aquarius and the Sun is opposite in Leo. This full Moon will help you to focus attention on yourself and more importantly, on where you feel you are in your life and where you want to be, and to make decisions to head in that direction. It highlights free-thinking independence and taking control of your life, while also setting boundaries for yourself.

On the same day, there is a Trine astral aspect between Mars and Jupiter. The Trine aspect is representative of an easy passage. Things can tend to fall into place when under the influence of a Trine. However, you do need to be aware of a few things. First, notice opportunities that are coming your way and tune into the Jupiter energy by being grateful for options that present opportunities, possibilities, or chance meetings, and be appreciative of any financial windfalls or extra cash that comes your...

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 23

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 23
With the Sun now in the sign of Libra, a Venus ruled sign, love, harmony and connections with others will be much easier to attract and maintain. However, with communication planet Mercury in Libra challenging Saturn in Capricorn, be careful that the energy of these cardinal signs doesn’t tempt you to be impatient. If you have an important discussion to have with someone, then wait for the timing to be right. Be mindful that to be fully heard, you need his or her full attention.  

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