March 2023 - Life Changing Month!

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2023

What an interesting time it is in the astrological chart. There’s so much going on right now. So much that is a game changer in many ways with the movement of what is coming up. I mean, first of all, in the first week of March, the communication planet Mercury will connect with Saturn in the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius, but it is more than that, as the energy will open the cosmic airwaves to have discussions. And it can be somewhat serious conversations that are perhaps well overdue, which allows you to clear the air to let go, let live, and just get on with it without having regrets. And this last part about no regrets is very important, as the energy of the Virgo full Moon on the 7th can make us all feel as if we haven't tried hard enough.

At the same time, the highest love vibratory connection of planets, Venus and Jupiter, will connect in the sign of Aries, so not only is this one of the best love connections of the year, but as Jupiter is in Aries it’s...

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Weekly Horoscope Planetary Report - Feb 27 2023

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2023

Communication planet Mercury will connect with cautious Saturn this week with them both being the same degree in the same sign, which is Aquarius, so get ready to have serious discussions, as this is what happens under the vibratory connection between these two planets. But try not to get overly serious, because, after all, you don’t want to be a killjoy with what is happening right now.  

If it’s about business, discussions that take place during this time can be ground-breaking and game-changing in a way that’s exciting and you can put down solid foundations, and an action plan to steadily move forward to bring your project to life. If it’s about love, then remember that the energy of Aquarius is accepting of others, and open to stepping into something different, so in this sense, the creative Mercury energy coupled with Saturn, you can still have fun by enjoying the moment as well as tune into traditional essence of Saturn, which loves to set things...

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Sun Sun Guide How to Impress Your Boss

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2023

When you know how to your superior, peers and clients think and act, and more importantly what’s significant to him or her, it can give you a head start with business, which can help concrete your security.

How To Impress Your Aries Boss
Get straight to the point. Avoid going into long explanations. Think up new, interesting, and exiting ways of doing things. In other words, don’t re-invent the same old wheel.
Key point: If you have a problem, be sure to present the solution!

How To Impress Your Taurus Boss
Don’t be late! Complete your work when you say you will. Don’t play games, be upfront and honest. Do a good job and put the hours in. Taurus respects hard workers.
Key Point: Put their agenda before your work schedule

How To Impress Your Gemini Boss
Don’t bog them down with details. Show them the big picture first, then come back to the why and how. When Gemini knows the full strategy, they know how to research. Be...

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Weekly Planetary Report - Feb 20 - New Moon in Pisces - Get Inspired

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2023

This week commences with a New Moon in Pisces. I love this New Moon as it encourages us to be more sensitive to those around us and to have a positive outlook. It also inspires us to tune in to our intuition as Pisces sits in the twelfth house of inspiration, and is one of, if not the most, sensitive signs of the zodiac. So, the New Moon in Pisces helps all of us to tune into our more sensitive and instinctual side. However, to do so, we need to be mindful not to get caught up in over-analyzing a situation or person.

When we tune into our intuition, and our inner guidance, and bypass logic and reasoning, this New Moon is amazing and so very helpful to gain clarity, because as we know, everything starts from within. This is the area of the solar chart where imagination is best ignited. We all have imagination and the way to access it is just to allow it to flow. What I mean by that is most of us need to have some solo time, some quiet time, whether it’s meditating or walking or...

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5-Steps to Attract Love-4-Life

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2023

Prepare for love! 

Step One:
Your Perfect Partner
Write a love list to get in touch with the type of person you would like to attract, your perfect partner.
Buy a journey you use solely for your Love-4-Life exercise
Work on the seven areas of life and personality characteristics:

  • Spiritual – Faith, interest in religion, spiritual and self-development
  • Financial – How important is money, do you need a provider or someone who’s generous
  • Career – Do you need an ambitious person, or someone who works in your field
  • Health, Image, wellbeing – Food, fitness, and personal appearance.
  • Intellectual – Do you like to keep things light or indulge in philosophical discussions
  • Social – How social do you like to be. Do you like to go out or are you a home body?
  • Family, home - Are you house proud. How important is your family connection?
  • Personality Characteristics – what qualities do you admire/need. Trust, honest, romantic, considerate.

Step two:

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The Love Week, how the planets line up - Feb 13 2023

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2023

This week kicks off with a connection between the beautiful love goddess Venus and the planet of inspiration Neptune, both in the sign of Pisces, a highly sensitive and also very romantic sign of the zodiac. So, it is perfect for this Valentine’s Day, as this is the week of love, but really, every day is a day of love, right?

On Valentine’s Day, the 14th, you want to stay in a positive frame of mood. There are several interactions with the Moon, and as the Moon is emotional and sensitive energy, and in the sign of Sagittarius, you will want to be mindful of your communication. Sagittarius is the sign of truth, and the Sag energy has also been known to be brutally honest, which is perhaps not the best way to draw your lover to you! The Sagittarian Moon is also opposite planet Mars in Gemini on this day. Gemini likes to chat, Mars is impulsive, and the moon is sensitive. Now keep in mind that Sagittarius can be brutally honest, so that’s a recipe to be mindful of...

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Weekly Astro-Planetary Report-Feb 06

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2023

We just had the full Moon on the fifth of February in the sign of Leo, so that’s a great way to start this week because the Full Moon energy in Leo is about realizing what’s working. You may say, hey, this is working for me and it’s amazing, or this is not working for me right now. And honestly, it hasn’t really worked for me for a long time, and it’s the right time now to let it go. You can start noticing now, and guess what, you can have a big realization that you don’t need to keep this, whatever this is, in your life, and so out it goes. After a full Moon is a perfect time to do this as once the Moon is full it enters its waning transit, the best time to say goodbye to things, people, and situations!

Right at the start of this week, communication planet Mercury will sextile with Neptune, which indicates opportunities are on their way. And as it is interacting with Neptune, the planet of inspiration and imagination, this is a week to put all...

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How to be Powerful, Positive and Productive

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2023

How to be Powerful, Positive and Productive

Read the full report.. and download the pdf

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Mercury Retrograde May June 2022

Mercury Retrograde - MAGIC or MAYHEM?!?

The communication planet Mercury, known as the thinking planet of intellect, can affect the way you think, communicate and relate. It's known as the celestial messenger of the Gods and is retrograde three to four times a year for around three weeks each time, and can cause all sorts of magic and mayhem!

The Magic, The Mayhem, The Dates, The Storm, The Transit...

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Weekly report .. This week's new Moon in Taurus

Uncategorized May 08, 2021

The new Moon this week on the 11th in the sign of Taurus, helps us all to relook at how we are managing our money. It is also a message to monitor our self-talk and to assure that you are inputting positive self-talk. Spend this week.. read full report on the AstroAnalysis page:

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