Uncategorized Dec 01, 2020


Cancer Moon opposite both Pluto and Jupiter can have a punch. The Moon is feminine energy, and it shows up in your chart, solar and your personal birth chart, as how you relate emotionally. And when it is connected in some way with Pluto it is powerful and has a force behind it of certainty and courage. And with Jupiter, the expansive energy of this planet removes limitations. The combination of these three energies, and once you make up your mind to do or have something, there is no stopping you.

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Uncategorized Nov 30, 2020


Cancer Moon trines Venus, which is beautiful feminine energy, and whether you are male or female, feminine energy is soft, attractive, and strong in a self-assured and approachable way. It’s open-hearted energy and provides you with an opportunity to reach out to others to show compassion and kindness.

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Uncategorized Nov 29, 2020


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and as Mercury is the planet of communication, and Sagittarius loves to gather and distribute knowledge, this is a great fit! Use this time to look more deeply into matters that interest you, take a more philosophical look, especially with areas of spirituality. Mercury in Sagittarius can open your heart, mind and doorways to advance at a soul level!

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 30, 2020

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 30, 2020

Today’s full Moon lunar eclipse is in Gemini with the Sun opposite in Sagittarius, and this powerful energy can spark action in some way. Gathering knowledge is favored now, as well as using your voice to express yourself and no matter what area of life it hits in your star chart, you want to be mindful to say what’s on your mind, but say it in a heartfelt way. The Moon also interacts with Mars in Aries and squares Neptune in Pisces, which encourages you to see things as they are, and to live and let live!

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 29, 2020

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 29, 2020

Neptune, the planet of inspiration, transiting through Pisces, the sign it rules, comes out of retrograde. The energy will now help you be more imaginative and get in touch with your ideal life and life’s situations, how you desire your life to be. This is the perfect time to be idealistic, dream big and reach for the stars. Don’t hold back - go for Gold! 

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 28, 2020

Uncategorized Nov 26, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 28, 2020

Mercury, the communication planet, in the sign of Scorpio sextiles, which is a favorable astral aspect, interacts with Jupiter in Capricorn. The combined energy of these two planetary forces can help present a situation that can lead you to success in an area of life. The specific area will depend on your sign and where both planets sit in your personal birth chart. However, what is powerful for all signs, no matter where the planets sit in your star-chart, is the door is open for communication, but watch for opportunities that cross your path.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 27, 2020

Uncategorized Nov 25, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 27, 2020

Venus opposite Uranus can suddenly shift your life and depending on where this interaction sits within your solar or your personal birth chart, will depend on how it influences your life. However, with Venus, it is usually about love or money, or connections with others in some way. And as both of these planets are positioned in fixed signs, and Uranus can spark change in a sudden and unexpected manner, it is lesson to go with the flow and not overreact. Wait for the dust to settle, and for some, the love dust, and then consider your choices and make your decision as to what to do next from a more informed space.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 26, 2020

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 26, 2020

Aries Moon challenges a number of planets, Pluto, Jumpier and Saturn. And with all this combined energy, it can set up a frustration of what you want to do and what you feel you can do, which is understandable with the continued craziness and restrictions we are all experiencing around the world. In the USA, today is Thanksgiving Day, and more so than ever, it is a time to stay focused on what is good, positive and what you can be thankful for. Worldwide, think of this as a day of Gratitude and most of all, take the time to tell those you care about that you love them.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 25, 2020

Uncategorized Nov 23, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 25, 2020

Moon conjuncts, connects with, Mars in the fire Sign of Aries, and as Mars is the ruler of Aries, it is very comfortable in this position, as it is at home. However, the Mars energy can be assertive and fast acting, and in Aries, even though at home in this position, Aries can be impulsive. So, be careful not to overreact and if you feel emotional from the presence of the Moon connecting with Mars, as you are better to take a step back and be thoughtful and see what comes up for you before you do or say anything.  

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 24, 2020

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Nov. 24, 2020

As the Moon makes her way to the passionate sign of Aries and interacts in a positive manner with the all-powerful Sun, the combined energy in fire signs can heighten your instincts. Depending on where the Moon is in your personal birth chart, the energy can alight your heart, mind and body, and boost your energy with inspiration that can provide moments of self – realization.

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