Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 16, 2020
Saturn departs Capricorn, the sign it rules to enter Aquarius, and as Saturn is Aquarius’ original ruler and now joint ruler along with Uranus, its comfortable here. However, the energy can cause unrest and unleavened, as over theses next few years will prompt you to reevaluate your life, your goals and your values. And as Saturn in Aquarius interacts this coming year with Uranus the modern ruler of Aquarius In fellow fixed sign, the energy will challenge you to grow.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 15, 2020
Venus in Scorpio interacts with solid Saturn, and with this astral aspect, depending on where it sits both within your solar and personal birth chart, you could very well be making love, or a business deal that is financially viable, more permanent. Later in the day, Venus will transit to Sagittarius, the sign of freedom, and in this position, you will want to decide how much personal freedom you want in your life, taking into consideration that there are usually some compromises to make in life. However, it is wise to keep in mind that you can still feel connected with your partner while being an individual.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 14, 2020
Solar eclipse energy in Sagittarius provides a sense of freedom and a positive outlook, which will show up in a different area of each sun sign’s life. Add to this, an interaction between Venus, the ruler of love and money, and Jupiter the planet of abundance, makes this is a powerful time in the astral chart as well as in your life. Be mindful to keep your energy clear and positive, as this will path the way for you to attract love and abundance.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 13, 2020
Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, and as these are both mutable signs, the discussions you have during this time can result in win-win outcomes. It is always best to aim for an outcome where everyone feels they are being heard and that they are getting a fair deal, but not always possible. However, with Mercury being the planet of communication, the airwaves are open right now to have what could be a discussion around a sensitive topic. If you have an opportunity to delve deep into a situation that perhaps is overdue, take it, don’t put it off.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 12, 2020
Scorpio Moon connects with Venus, and in this position the energy is intense. It’s also savvy and sexy. And if you embrace this powerful feminine energy your presence will stand out, no matter whether you are on the phone, a podcast, zoom meeting or in person, you will be noticed. However, to realize the full impact of this transit, it is up to you to feel comfortable and confident with who you are. No matter what you like or dislike about yourself, decide here and now to accept yourself for who you are. In other words, own all of who you are, the best of you as well as what is a work in progress.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 11, 2020
Sun in Sagittarius trines Mars in Aries, and as both these signs are fire signs, and the trine is an easy passage, this is the perfect time to get going and move into action. There are times to be silent and passive while you think things through and times to move forward and be proactive. The Sun and Mars combined energy in these go-getter signs is a message to put action to a goal or dream that means a lot to you, something close to your heart. And then when you put action to it, you let the universe know you are serious, not just pondering about what you want, but you have the will to make it happen, and at this point, the universe will step up to support you.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 10, 2020
Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. A sextile Astral formation is positive energy that’s related to opportunity. However, as with any opportunity that crosses your path, it needs your energy to initiate and actualize. Keep in mind, that although Venus is sexy and passionate in Scorpio, this positioning can also indicate that there are secrets. So, tune in and be aware if you feel someone is not telling you the full story, and if you feel this is the case, it can be a sign that you need to take responsibility and do your own research. On the other hand, don’t feel the need to reveal your every move to someone else, either. Remember, you have the power to make your own decisions, keep it that way!
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 09, 2020
Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, and as Sagittarius is a straight shooter when it concerns telling it how it is, you can speak from your heart. However, keep in mind to soften what you do or say, because the Sagittarius energy can be brutally honest. Fortunately, the Neptune in Pisces energy can help you proceed with diplomacy, which is always a nicer way to approach any person or situation. With this approach you will generally end up with a better outcome.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 08, 2020
The Virgo Moon trines Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, and these three planets have been transiting together all year in the sign of Capricorn, a fellow earth sign to Virgo. As such, the earth element keeps the emotional energy of the Moon stable and provides you with grounding. And as Virgo is the sign of organization, today is a good day to get your thoughts aligned with your emotions. When your feelings and thoughts are aligned, you are in balance, and not conflicted. Sit quietly, or take walk, preferably by yourself so you can build in some thinking time. Both of these activities are a form of meditation, and in this state you can receive inspired thought.
Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 07, 2020
The Virgo Moon squares the Sun and Mercury, both in Sagittarius. And although a square formation is generally a challenge, in this case, as it interacts with two mutable signs, it is a lot softer energy. The Sun is a powerful force, as is the Moon, and Mercury, among other attributes is the planet of communication. Virgo helps you gather information and gain clarity. So, do your research and think things through first. Once you have your thoughts organized you can move forward with what could be a sensitive or awkward discussion and approach it from an amicable and open-hearted position.
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