Horoscope Week November 20, 2023

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2023

This week commences with the Sun sextile Pluto and with the Sun in Scorpio and Pluto, presently in Capricorn. This is a powerful connection, which highlights an opportunity that can come through for each and every sign not just Scorpio and Capricorn. It will, although, reflect and influence a different area of life for each sign. The message it brings for that sign, either in your solo chart or your personal natal chart, can be significant and highlight certain options, possibilities, or opportunities, so in this case, it is a very very positive and advantageous energy influence between these two powerful planets, or planet, and luminary.

Power planet Mars will also sextile Pluto, so with the Sun and Pluto and Mars and Pluto, it's like the double intensity with these two and let's not forget that everything has two sides, and Mars can either be assertive or aggressive. You want to be conscious of whether you’re reacting or responding. Take a step back and evaluate things first...

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Horoscope Week November 13, 2023

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2023

 Welcome to the week of November 13. We commence this week with a new Moon, which is in the sign of Scorpio where all things are possible because Scorpio energy dares to push through any restrictions and make it happen. The new Moon is all about new beginnings, letting go, and opening up to allow something different new, and potentially better to enter your life.

At the same time, the Sun will be in opposition to Uranus, and with this interaction, you can expect anything to happen, and probably will. So, it’s not to say that it’s good or bad, just that it can be a surprise.


Midweek, Mercury, the communication-thinking planet, will sextile Venus, and this astral aspect highlights opportunities. However, it still is up to you to notice the opportunities and be diligent about stepping forward and saying hey, that looks great for me, count me in! 

Later in the week, the Sun will Trine with Neptune, highlighting your imagination, and intuition. Take note of...

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Horoscope Week November 06, 2023

Uncategorized Nov 02, 2023

This week, November 6th, commences with Mercury, the planet of communication, education, and creativity, interacting in a positive way with Neptune, the planet of imagination and inspiration. Take advantage of this planetary connection by allowing yourself the time to clear your mind and let your imagination and intuition take over. In this state, you can access amazing insights that provide you with the clarity you need to move to the next stage of your life. Important: clear your schedule for YOU time!

Venus will make her move this week on the 8th from Earth sign Virgo to Libra, one of the signs she rules. In Libra, this position is about relationships, and more particularly, the relationship you have with others. This is an opportunity to review, renew, and perhaps even make compromises, if needed.

Mercury will also make a move this week on the 9th, from the sun sign of Scorpio to Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius provides clarity, and sometimes courage, to speak from your...

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Horoscope Week October 30, 2023

Uncategorized Oct 26, 2023

We are in eclipse season. The solar eclipse a few weeks ago and the Lunar eclipse on Oct 28th, the Moon in Taurus with the Sun in Scorpio, so it’s been pretty intense energy. I do hope you have all survived the Moon energy because it can be emotional and unsettling and bring things to a head, a closure in some cases, which then opens the door for something or someone new to come in. After eclipses, it can be like a cosmic clean out, which then reactivates the flow in life, so it is important to be open to allow whatever is meant to come through for you next.  

Mid-week, Venus, the planet of love and relationships, will be in a very nice interaction with Uranus, in an astral aspect called a Trine, which can open the doorway for things to come to you naturally. However, because this Trine is with Uranus, things can come out of the blue, so you want to expect the unexpected right now, which means you are best to keep your schedule just a little bit more flexible, especially...

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Horoscope Week October 23, 2023

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2023

Ok, let get started. The week commences with the Sun making its move from Libra, the sign of relationships, as it ingresses to the savvy intense sign of Scorpio. So, happy birthday, Scorpio! The Sun will join Mars and Mercury, also in Scorpio, so there’s a lot going on in Scorpio this week. Right at the end of the week, they’ll be a full Moon, also influencing Scorpio energy, and of course, this also influences all 12 signs.


Shortly after, the Sun will have an interaction with Saturn. The Sun, our most powerful energy, and Saturn, the planet of business, career, and permanency, will focus our attention on our life purpose. The interaction between them is a Trine, which represents an easy passage, a path of least resistance. It’s a soft aspect, however, with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and the Sun in Scorpio, it can bring up some past issues to be dealt with. 

The Trine astral aspects are always in the same element, and in this case, it is a water...

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Weekly Horoscope Oct 16 2023

Uncategorized Oct 13, 2023

Welcome to the week of October 16. The main planetary interaction is happening towards the end of the week. On the 20th the Sun will conjunct with Mercury in the sign of Libra and can help us to stand up for ourselves and gain clarity of the decisions that we need to make. And more to the point, decisions that we want to make, as now it’s time to make sure that our choices are not only suitable for others but also work well for ourselves

Over the weekend there will be two squares with the transformational planet Pluto. One with the Sun and Pluto, and the other with Mercury and Pluto. Planet Pluto sits in the business-oriented sign of Capricorn, and the Sun and Mercury are both in Libra, the sign of relationships, this can indicate a need to tread carefully with business matters, and not to push matters too much. Take a step back and see what develops, which will gain you a great deal more clarity about what other people are doing and thinking. This can place you in a more...

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Uncategorized Oct 05, 2023

Welcome to the week of Oct. 9th! Let’s get started, as right at the beginning of the week there is a square between Mars and Pluto. A square is traditionally a challenging aspect, and certainly between Planets Mars and Pluto, which are heavy-duty types of planets.  Mars sits in the sign lo Libra and this helps us with decision-making, and not getting caught up in too much over-thinking. Pluto is retrograde in the Capricorn and as both signs are cardinal in nature and action-oriented, it's a sign to move forward. Pluto is the planet of transformation, so putting these two together really does help to put into action what you've been working on and getting together, and not is time to make progress.


A quick decision is a good decision. However, make sure it’s what you really want and that you’re making the decision for yourself, and not because someone else thinks it’s a good idea. The other point to consider is if this is going to help you, whether...

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Uncategorized Sep 30, 2023


A lot is going on in October, so let’s cover some of the main points, and then at the end of the monthly planetary report, l will do a direct reading on the main areas of life to focus on for each sign. l will also put the time codes in, and you will be able to go straight to your sign.

Early in the month, Mercury makes his move from Virgo, one of the signs he rules, into Libra, and in this position, Mercury the thinking planet, helps you get organized, so you look at the pros and cons, which is very much the cassettes the Libra energy. However, you also want to trust your instincts because if you stay in that planning, thinking, and organizing state for too long, then it can lead to procrastination and feeling stuck.

On the eighth/ ninth, a square between Mars and Pluto can be pretty heavy-duty, with Pluto in Capricorn, and Mars in Libra, both cardinal signs, so don’t be too quick to move forward with action unless you are sure....

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Horoscope Week October 02, 2023

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2023

Welcome to the week in the stars for October 2nd. Firstly, l will go through the planetary report, the movement, and how the planets are interacting, and then I’ll do the individual Sun Sign reports. Don’t worry, you won’t have to listen to all the signs unless you want to of course, but l will put the time codes in so you can just go to your sign. 

The week starts off with an opposition between Mercury, the planet of communication, education, and creativity, which is opposite Neptune, also very creative inspirational energy, imaginative, and intuitive. As Neptune is in Pisces, the sign it rules, and Mercury in Virgo, also one of the signs Mercury rules, this can spark a great deal of imagination, new ideas, and concepts.  

There's a strong influence to be analytical and intuitive with this planetary interaction. As Virgo is analytical and Pisces highly instinctual, once you get your ideas and concepts laid down into some type of working format, then you...

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Horoscope Week Sept. 25 2023

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2023

Welcome to week September 25, right at the start of the week, we have a Trine astral aspect between Mercury and Jupiter. This is powerful for communications. Firstly, the Trine aspect is an easygoing energy, a path of least resistance and of allowing, and in this case, with Jupiter in Taurus and Mercury in Virgo, this is an earth trine, which is great for getting your aspirations set into planning, and ready to follow through with action.  

Later in the week, when Venus squares with Uranus, it’s a message to stay firm on your beliefs and push forward, and if something comes out of the blue to distract you, pay attention and ask yourself, is this an interruption to my plans that is needed, or is it something to push aside so you don’t get distracted.  

At the same time, later in the week. The full Moon in Aries can cause us all to be impulsive. However, the other side of this energy in Aries, which is a sign ruled by Mars, and as Mars is presently opposite...

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