Planetary report week of June 1st

 Welcome to the week of June 1st, let’s see what the stars have in store for us this week. 

Mercury is on the move, and as it transits from the sensitive water sign of Cancer to the gregarious sign of Leo, it allows you to find your voice, so you communicate more clearly and directly. This is not a time to be playing small. With Mercury now in Leo, you want to make your voice heard so you speak with confidence and certainty. 

At the same time, Mercury, which is the thinking planet, will interact with Neptune, which is inspirational energy. Venus will also interact with Neptune, and with focus on these three planets, Venus, Mercury and Neptune in what’s called a Trine astral aspect, and it’s a message to get in touch with your soul purpose. Ask yourself, what it is you really want to do in life, and to evaluate if you are heading in that direction or if you need...

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Horoscope Weekly Report June 03 2024

Welcome to the week of June 3, 2024. Let’s see how the planets are influencing our lives this week. 

Mercury is on the move and will transit from earth sign Taurus to one of the signs it rules, Gemini. As such it’s very comfortable here and the energy can open your thoughts to be more creative, certainly more communicative, and also prompts you to be on a learning curve to learn something new. So, if you’ve been thinking of taking up new studies or perhaps a creative type of course, then this is a good time to do that.  

At the same time, Mercury will Sextile, which provides options opportunities, and possibilities, with the inspirational planet Neptune. When these two are together, as Mercury is the thinking planet and Neptune is all about inspired energy, then you can expect to come up with some amazing insides of creative adventures or working together with people. Or you can just revive something that you’ve put on the back burner as this...

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HOROSCOPE MAY 27, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to the of week May 27. Let’s see what’s going on in the sky and the stars this week.

It’s a very quiet week with planetary movement. As such, it will give you a chance to catch up, review, tweak, and see where you are so you can make some changes necessary and beneficial to help you move forward. It’s been a very busy month with lots of activity, with some very powerful aspects, especially with the Sun and Jupiter and Venus and Jupiter being two of the most advantageous, beneficial aspects of the entire year.

I hope each and every one of you has seen some development in your life, and of course, for that development to be heading in the direction of your heart and soul.

Early in the week, Jupiter will make its move from Taurus where it’s been for the last 12 months and will ingress into the sign of Gemini. Jupiter makes a move once a year and will stay in a sun sign for the entire year, so it is a significant planetary influence when Jupiter...

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HOROSCOPE MAY 20, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to the week of May 20. Let’s get started and see what the stars bring to us this week.

First off, the Sun will make its transit from the sign of Taurus, and transit to Gemini. Happy Birthday, Gemini! This is a great time in the Star chart. Keep an open mind and open heart for what comes next. Midweek Venus will also make her move from Taurus into Gemini. These placements in Gemini are positive, so be optimistic about life and what comes next. And be mindful that nothing stays the same forever, and right now it is in the stars that development and changes can happen, so get ready to move with the energy.

There is a full Moon this weekend in Sagittarius, which means the Moon is in Sagittarius and the Sun is opposite in Gemini. The Sagittarian Moon as a fire sign, has a lot of get up and go about it, which can uncover anything not working well for you. It can highlight it further, as well as people in your life who are not serving you, as well.

You have a chance to change...

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HOROSCOPE MAY 13, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to May 13. Let’s see what influence the planets are going to have on our lives this week.

The week commences with a connection between the Sun and Uranus, which are too very powerful planetary and luminary influences. As this activity is in the sign of Taurus things can happen all of a sudden with the Uranus energy, which Taurus doesn’t like, so there’s a little bit of a conflict of energy here. However, it is best to just go with it and endeavor to push any anxiety aside and see how things develop.

There are a lot of energy placements and interactions associated with the Sun in Taurus this week, so stand by for what takes place next. It can be surprisingly good, so it is not a time to start worrying. It is a time to just get out of your own way, and see what comes to fruition.

At the same time, Venus the planet of love and money, will interact in what’s called an astral sextile planetary interaction with Saturn. The sextile brings options...

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HOROSCOPE MAY 06, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Hey everybody, welcome to the week of May 6th! Let’s have a look at what’s going on this week. We do have a new Moon in the sign of Taurus, which means the Sun and the Moon are both in Taurus, at the same degree, which is a conjunction between these two luminaries.

The new Moon brings a lot of hope, and in this position, certainly for financial matters, however, it is also about your self-worth. Do you feel worthy of attracting what you desire in life? This a perfect time to look at what you’re saying yourself, is it positive or negative? Do you need to reframe it? The first step is always to notice what is going on, so for this week, I would spend some time just noticing the things you say to yourself and be more present with your inner self-talk. Until you can sort this out then you don’t know what you need to change, right?

Once you pinpoint any negative self-talk, you can then go about reframing it, and like any habit this takes time. So, be kind to...

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Horoscope planetary report - April 29, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

 Welcome to the week of April 29th.

Right at the start of the week, Venus will make her move from Aries, where it's very passionate, lively, and exciting, and will continue her transit to Taurus, one of the signs she rules, so Venus is very comfortable in this position.

Venus in Taurus is more about the relationship you have with yourself, and the relationship that you have with money and possessions. It can highlight how secure and free you feel about your financial situation in your life. At the same time, Mars will be conjunct, be at the same degree, as Neptune, in the sign of Pisces, which Neptune rules. So, you can expect to have quick thoughts like flashes of inspiration, and amazing concepts and ideas that just come to you, and you think, wow, why didn't I think of that earlier? You just have that knowing sense that it is brilliant.

Mercury is now out of retrograde, and then midweek, Venus will square Pluto, and even though it is a square, which is challenging, these...

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Horoscope planetary report, April 22 2024, by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to the week of April 22nd.

There is a full Moon this week on the 23rd, and it's in Scorpio. So, a full Moon in Scorpio is very intense energy, and in a way that it can get your attention. It's a message to think big, and ask bigger questions like; why am I here? What am I doing? What do I want to do next? What is the journey to get to where I want to end up, and what is the difference I want to make in my life, and possibly in the lives of others? And how can I devise a plan so I stay on track? So this is great energy to get clear and your life and what you want.

The full Moon in Scorpio can also cover anything that you need to see, especially if something is hidden, as it is likely to be revealed, so you will know what's going on, and be able to make more informed decisions for yourself. So, even though this can be an intense energy time with some challenges, it's also a beautiful time that can sorta force you to make changes.

Mercury will finally come out of its retrograde...

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Horoscope planetary report - April 01, 2024 by Jennifer Angel


Welcome to the week of April 1st.

So, we are between two eclipses right now, and the energy is very intense. We just had the lunar eclipse a week ago and that was in the sign of Libra, and in Libra, it is great because it's all about relationships. But because it's a lunar eclipse, which is very intense Full Moon energy, then it really can be a make-it-or-break-it time. There's no guarantee that relationships are going to be amazing or challenging, it could signify both. They could come to a head, which then gives you a chance to attain closure and be able to move on. In the other sense, then yes, it could also bring things to a head, which can make things much better and improved, as you tackle any areas that have developed cracks in your relationships. It can give you a chance to mend things so you strengthen the relationship. So, for sure, with eclipse energy things can go either way.

This week, Mercury enters its retrograde transit on April 1. And as it has been in the...

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Horoscope Report December 18, 2023 by Jennifer Angel

The week commences with Mercury in a favorable Trine astral aspect with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, however, as Mercury is retrograde, prepare for unfinished business to come up. This is a great chance to clear energy. Once you can clear the energy and let go of past 'stuff', you will create a void and make room for something new and better to come in. Your attraction power will be more powerful. 

Later in the week, the powerful energy of the Sun will make its transition from fire sign Sagittarius to earth sign Capricorn, where it’s all about getting down to business. However, as we are heading into the holiday season, the Sun in Capricorn is great for organization and closing off this year, while getting ready to start the next year strong. Make sure you make use of this shift in energy in a positive and productive way 

At the same time, Mercury, the planet of creativity, communication, and education, will make its move from Capricorn back into Sagittarius in...

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