ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 26, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 26, 2021

There is a square astral aspect between the Sun and Uranus. A square can indicate that you can have a few obstacles to cross in your journey, but don’t let that scare you, as although this can be challenging, it can be incredibly empowering. It’s only when you procrastinate or put things off because you don’t think you can face them that things can seem bigger than what they actually are. When you take a deep breath and dive in and take action, that’s when all the heaviness and anxiety releases and you can feel like a huge weight is lifted. The Sun is our most powerful force, and in Aquarius, it is creative and very inventive. And as the Sun Squares Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius, this can cause a new development in some way, and a new start that can be well worth any uncomfortableness you go through.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 25, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 25, 2021

Sun in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries.
The sextile astral formation represents an opportunity or opening in some way, but of course. when a door opens, you have to be ready to walk through the door to take advantage of the options presented. Chiron, the planet of healing, prompts you to take action, and as you do, you leave past fears in your wake.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 24, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 24, 2021

Sun conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius. When the Sun and Saturn are connected, they are powerful together in a way that the Sun helps the Saturn energy put things into place. Once they are set, not quite in concrete, but have a more permanent feel, then this provides the base to investigate other ways of achieving your goals, but in a faster and easier way.  

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 23, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 23, 2021

Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Venus and Neptune are beautiful together. On the business side, the combination of planetary energies opens up your instinctual senses and pay attention to your instincts, gut feel or intuition. On a personal note, it’s romantic, but not flirtatious or frivolous, it’s more romance with sincerity!

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 22, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 22, 2021

TAURUS MOON TRINES PLUTO IN CAPRICORN AS WELL AS VENUS, and when these three are interacting, there is a good chance of some deep emotions coming to the surface. Pay attention to them and allow your feelings and emotions to come to the surface so you can have a closer look and then let go so you can make space for something better and more productive to enter your life. At the same time, Mars will square Jupiter, and this energy will help you take a step back and reevaluate your next move so you can make an adjustment, if need be. All in all, a more thoughtful conclusion will work best for you.

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 21, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2021


ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 21, 2021
Moon moves to Cancer, the sign it rules. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer and as such, it’s very comfortable in this position and it does help you to connect with your more sensitive side, your nurturing self, and of course it will heighten your intuitive senses. So, the message for today is think before you do or say anything, but it’s more than that, tune into your inner-self your inner-wisdom. If something doesn’t feel right, there’s a good chance that it’s not right. However, you do want to ensure that you are tuning into yourself, and not connecting with a fear. Do you try to spend some solo time today, and if you don’t meditate, and you can get out and about, then take a walk by yourself, or have some solo time sitting in silence to contemplate things. This will help you to connect with your instinctual sense and when you do this, you can access the real answers from...

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 20, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2021
ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 20, 2021
Sun makes its move from Capricorn to Aquarius.The sun in the sign of Capricorn helps us get organized and it’s also the sign that textbook titles as controlling. Well, as I’m a Capricorn, I do subscribe to the belief somewhat, but hey, someone’s got to take control, right? The Capricorn energy does help you get organized and put things in place, think about your goals and where you want to be. The Capricorn energy gives you purpose for your work, which is important at any time, but especially now in this current world climate. As the sun makes its move into Aquarius, it’s a whole different energy of freedom and independence. It also signifies acceptance of other people who have a different opinion because guess what sometimes we just don’t agree with everyone and then there’s a need to agree to disagreed. You can’t expect everybody to be on the same page or...
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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 19, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 19, 2021
Mars and Uranus conjunct / connect in Taurus.

With these two heavy-duty planets, Mars and Uranus connecting in a conjunction, which means there is an exact degree between planets and right now, in the sign of Taurus, what happen next can be totally unexpected. And on a day-by-day basis this could very well cause some frustration in our lives because Taurus energy likes to think things through and take their time. They need to make sure the decisions they’re making for themselves are the right ones.  Mars and Uranus together can result in sudden developments and the motivation of Mars pushes any development forward and maybe forward too fast because if you’re not ready it can feel like life is a little out of control. Well guess what, life right now can feel somewhat out of control with everything going on in the world. But all things do come to pass, and the main thing is that you keep your energy up...

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 18, 2021 Aries

Uncategorized Jan 17, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 18, 2021 Aries

Moon sextiles both Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius.

Aries Moon can be impulsive and as Aries is ruled by Mars, when you have the combination of the Moon and Mars in any form then emotions are intensified, so be careful of reacting or overreacting to what somebody says or does. Also, during this time, a lot of people are going through a struggling time and it’s really good to make allowances for others, but also for yourself so you are not too hard on yourself. And as the Aries Moon is squaring (challenging) both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius this opens opportunities but be prepared to step out of your comfort zone to do something new and different. But make sure it’s something you feel inspired about not just anything and also something that’s going to serve you not just for today but in the future as well. Most of all follow your inner wisdom of what is right for you and not be too concerned about opinions of others. ...

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ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 17, 2021

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2021

ANGEL’S Daily Blog Jan 17, 2021

Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus.
The abundant and beneficiary Jupiter energy in Aquarius is freedom loving and as the Jupiter energy is expansive, this planetary placement encourages you to first be an individual. It also urges you to be as independent, as much as you feel comfortable to do so. And as this energy challenges Uranus in Taurus, you want to be ready for new developments, however, you may not have the luxury of thinking things through so be ready to think quickly and act fast.

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