Mercury, the planet that governs communication, as well as creativity, and education, makes its move from the business-oriented sign of Capricorn this week to the creative air sign of Aquarius, where it joins the Sun and Pluto. This powerful position teaming up with these two high vibratory energies, can assist in really getting you inspired and creative about putting your plans into motion.
Venus, the planet, that represents relationships and money will interact with Uranus in what’s called a Trine aspect, which is the energy of least resistance and opens paths of ease, however, it is up to you to recognize opportunities that are placed in front of you.
Midweek, Mars, the planet of motivation and action, will interact with Neptune, an inspirational energy, and provides possibilities and options for consideration. As Mars sits in Capricorn, a business-minded sign, and Neptune in Pisces, a highly inspirational placement, it’s a message to pay attention to your inner-wisdom, intuition and any insights that touch you at, let’s say, a gut level.
This month’s new Moon on the ninth in the sign of Aquarius pretty well makes almost anything possible. As long as you know what you want and you’re prepared to put action to your dreams, hopes and goals, then you can make a great deal of headway during this week.