Horoscope Planetary Report Oct. 21 2024 Jennifer Angel

Welcome to Week Oct 21st 2024

To commence on Oct 22, Sun in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn

This challenging aspect occurs when the assertive energy of the Sun in diplomatic Libra clashes (as the square is challenging) with the transformative force of Pluto in ambitious Capricorn. It invites you to confront power dynamics within your relationships and reassess your personal or professional goals.

This aspect encourages deep introspection and can lead to transformative breakthroughs. It provides an opportunity to strengthen relationships by addressing underlying issues and fostering honest communication.

The tension may manifest as power struggles or confrontations, leading to feelings of control and resistance. Navigating these challenges requires patience and a willingness to let go of unhealthy attachments or patterns.

Oct 22: Mercury in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces

This harmonious aspect highlights a blend of deep thought (Mercury in...

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Horoscope planetary report Oct 14 2024


Welcome to Week Oct. 14th 2024 

The week commences Mercury Transits from Libra to Scorpio (October 13th) 

Mercury transitions from the sociable and diplomatic sign of Libra into the intense and probing sign of Scorpio. This shift encourages deeper thinking and open communication about matters that may have been left unexamined Benefit: The move into Scorpio enhances our ability to dig beneath the surface, fostering insightful conversations and promoting transformative ideas. It empowers us to tackle difficult subjects with courage and honesty, allowing for meaningful connections. Challenge: However, this transit can also spark a tendency toward suspicion and defensiveness. Communication may become more emotionally charged, requiring mindfulness to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.  Summary: As Mercury moves into Scorpio, embrace the opportunity for profound insights while remaining aware of the potential for heightened emotions in conversations. 


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Horoscope Planetary Report Oct 07 2024 by Jennifer Angel

 Welcome to Week Oct 07 2024:

Oct., 8th: Mercury in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini. This harmonious aspect enhances intellectual exchanges and promotes optimistic communication, making it a favorable time for collaboration and sharing ideas. It’s an excellent period for networking and expanding knowledge, as insights gained could lead to significant personal and professional growth. However, there is an inclination for grand ideas may lead to overpromising or unrealistic expectations if not tempered with practicality. 

Oct., 8th: Venus in Scorpio Trine Mars in Cancer. This favorable aspect enhances passion and emotional connection, deep intimacy and encourages authentic expressions of love and romance. Emotions may run high, which could lead to possessiveness or intensity in relationships if boundaries are not respected. But the energy does promote healing through vulnerability. 

Oct 9th: Jupiter in Gemini Retrograde. This retrograde period encourages...

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Horoscope Planetary Report Sept 30 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to week Sept., 30. Here's the planetary interactions for the week 

Sept., 30: The Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra enhances your communication and promotes clarity in relationships and business partnerships. There’s a focus on diplomacy, fairness, and understanding, making it an excellent time for negotiations and discussions around relationships. It’s an ideal time to seek advice or share your ideas in a cooperative manner. Use this energy to refine your thoughts and articulate your visions, especially in social settings or teamwork. However, it can also lead to superficial dialogue if you’re not careful. There might be a tendency to avoid deep issues or important decisions in favor of maintaining peace. The challenge lies in ensuring that conversations are meaningful and address any underlying concerns rather than glossing over them.

Oct., 2nd: The New Moon in Virgo marks a time of new beginnings focused on practicality, organization, and...

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Horoscope Report for week of September 23rd.

 Welcome to the week of September 23rd.

Right at the beginning of the week on the 22 or 23 (depending on where you are in the world), when Venus transits from Libra to Scorpio, the energy shifts from harmonious diplomatic interactions to deeper emotional connections and intensity in relationships. In Libra, Venus encourages balance, beauty, and partnership, fostering a desire for harmony. As it enters Scorpio, the focus turns inward, prompting us to explore themes of passion, intimacy, and transformation, urging us to confront our desires and vulnerabilities more deeply. This transition can lead to profound connections, but also challenges as we navigate the complexities of love and attraction.

24th: Mercury Trines Uranus: When Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, innovative thinking and practical problem-solving come to the forefront. This harmonious aspect encourages us to embrace new ideas and unconventional approaches while maintaining a grounded perspective....

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Horoscope Report Week Sept 16, 2024 By Jennifer Angel

Welcome to week September 16. We have a full Moon this week in the sign of Pisces, which is a lunar eclipse, and means that the Sun is opposite in Virgo. This lunar eclipse between these two signs presents a very good balance between the logical Virgo and the intuitive in Pisces. Remember, the most potent time of the full Moon is the time just before, the day leading up to when the Moon is getting fuller, so this is time to put all of your positive affirmations out there. And remember to always start your affirmations with I AM, or I AM NOW.

There are a number of planetary interactions so let’s go through them:

Sept. 17:  Lunar eclipse in Pisces:

The Full Moon in Pisces, particularly when a lunar eclipse, presents a potent opportunity for transformation and deep emotional release. Lunar eclipses intensify the energy of the Full Moon, magnifying our intuitive insights and bringing hidden feelings to the surface. In Pisces, this eclipse encourages us to confront our dreams,...

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Horoscope Sept. 09 2024 Planetary and Sun Sign Report by Jennifer Angel, World Class Astrologer

This week I’m covering three major planetary interactions, which are all very significant Astro aspect.

1. Sun in Virgo Square Jupiter in Gemini - This challenging aspect while it encourages expansion and optimism, it's essential to balance ambition with practicality. Be cautious not to take on more than you can manage.
2. Mercury in Virgo Sextile Mars in Cancer - This encourages assertive communication and quick thinking. It’s a favorable time for productive discussions, brainstorming, and taking decisive action on projects.
3. Venus in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini - This harmonious aspect highlights an ideal time for socializing, creative endeavors, and financial opportunities, but be mindful of overindulgence and maintaining realistic expectations.

Keep reading to see how you can use opportunities and challenges to be a winner in your life this week

Sun in Virgo Square Jupiter in Gemini

Enhanced Communication Skills: This aspect encourages you to...

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Horoscope Sept. 02, 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Pluto, the power planet of hidden truths and transformation, is retrograde and will be heading back into Capricorn from Aquarius, and will stay in Capricorn until November 19, and with Capricorn, it’s all about business. This is an interesting placement right now with the elections coming up in November in the USA, because when Pluto is in Aquarius, the people have the power, and when in Capricorn, the establishments have the control. During the election, it’s going to be in Capricorn. So, there is an indication that there will be some unrest during this election, one way or another, regardless of who wins. Unrest seems to be pretty certain because while Pluto transits back and forth in this retrograde, it sits at what's called a critical degree, which intensifies everything. More on the election later, as I will do separate reports. 

At the same time this week, on the second or third, depending on where you are in the world, there is a new moon in Virgo, and with...

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Horoscope August 26 2024 planetary review + Sun Signs

Welcome to the week of August 26 well this year is just flying by for sure

This week Venus will interact with Uranus in a Trine astral aspect, where the energy opens up a path of least resistance but of course, you need to recognize openings and take a step forward with action to make it happen. I love this aspect because the Trine is a positive interaction of energies between two (or three) planets, where it can depict a meant-to-be situation. 

Venus is the planet that governs love, money, and your relationship with everything and everyone, including your relationship with money. When interacting with Uranus in Taurus, one of the signs Venus rules, adds power and a higher vibrational energy. However, also because it is in Taurus, and transiting through this sign, it does highlight the need to check your mindset, and more particularly check your money story. How do you think about money? What goes through your mind? What is the mantra you say to yourself, perhaps without...

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Horoscope Week August 12 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Welcome to Week August 12, 2024.

OK, let’s get started and see what the stars are bringing us for this week!

We are effectively right in Mercury Retrograde now, and I don’t know about you, but I have been noticing a few challenges in my life, which are definitely about Mercury Retrograde throwing its power around. The normal things like the fraud charge on my account, which took an unscheduled amount of time to deal with, put me behind, and the usual annoying tech issues. I’d like to hear if anyone else has anything to report and how you handled it.

We are effectively out of the destructive storm part of the transit. Now we are heading into the time where we can use Mercury’s retrograde energy to buckle down and get things done, especially projects that are unfinished or have been put on the backburner. This week, Mercury will depart Virgo, one of the signs it rules and is very comfortable in, and revert back to Leo. I love Mercury in Leo, although, it can...

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