Horoscopes + planetary movement Feb 26, 2024

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2024

This week commences with what is traditionally considered a challenging aspect, which is between action planet Mars and the plant of abundance Jupiter. This interaction encourages you not to be too hasty or make decisions too quickly or rashly. Take time to think through different scenarios and then choose the best path and journey to get the result you desire.

The Sun, Mercury and Saturn will all connect. With these interactions, called conjunctions, the two planets are at the same degree in the same sign, indicating that news is about to arrive at your door. The energy interaction of these planets will land in a different area of your life, and of course, yet again in a different area in your personal chart, telling an additional story.

News can come through now, not just for things that are significant for now, but also for a long-standing commitment, which can serve you in a positive way for your future. Hence, think carefully about the direction you want to head and ensure that it aligns with your overall purpose in some way.

The week concludes with two sextiles, and this energy opens up opportunities, options and possibilities for you to consider. The sextiles are between Mercury, the communication planet, Jupiter the planet of abundance and growth, and the Sun, our most powerful energy, so pay close attention to the concepts and ideas that cross your path.

Tune in to your intuition; if it does not feel right and it doesn't make sense, take note. But if these two resonate together, then there's a very good chance this is going to be a good option for you to follow. And if it doesn't feel right then delve a little deeper ask questions.

Right at the end of this weekend, the 2nd and 3rd March, Venus will square, which is challenging aspect, with Uranus. This will put some pressure on you to make a decision, however, be careful that you are not forced into doing anything before you are ready. Once again, if it does not look right, and does not seem logical, check in what your intuition has to say, and take your cue from that - and remember, you got this!!!!

Read your sun sign report 


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