The communication planet Mercury, known as the thinking planet of intellect, can affect the way you think, communicate and relate. It's known as the celestial messenger of the Gods and is retrograde three to four times a year for around three weeks each time, and can cause all sorts of magic and mayhem!

Mercury is not all bad news though, there are certain ways you can use this period/planetary transit to your advantage. As Mercury is the planet of communication and commerce, education and creativity, it affects your personal and professional life, as well as covers technical correspondence and equipment.


During a retrograde period all sorts of confusion and uncertainty can rein, It is wise to double-check the fine print of any file you are submitting with your name attached to it, and if possible, delay signing official documents. Regularly back up electronic files, and be mindful to check your travel arrangements, or for that matter, any arrangements. Being forwarded of a pending Mercury retrograde transit can help you prepare for interruptions that can cross your path and work them to your best advantage. 


This is a positive time to get organized, plan research and finalize anything that is important, but continually falls to the bottom of your to-do-list. People and situations can reappear in your life during Mercury retrograde and give you a chance to either reconnect or gain closure on an issue. It is a perfect time to consolidate business, rather than start a new association or project, and allows you time to reassess and fine-tune your personal and professional business. 


Mercury is  Stationary retrograde on May10th 2022, and will be stationary direct on June 3rd 2022. The six or seven day (and more so, the two or three days) either side, before and after the Mercury retrograde transit, known as the STORM period, is the most disruptive energy that can cause confusion. It is a lesson in patience and can teach you to chill, relax, breath and get out of your own way so you can see what happens next. It's a positive time to watch, listen and learn!


Mercury commences its retrograde transit on May 10th in the sign of Gemini, one of the signs it rules ( the other being Virgo) and will move back to the sign of Taurus on May 22, and will come out of its main retrograde transit on June 3rd! 

Mercury Retrograde In Your Sign 

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Want to know how this Mercury Retrograde will affect you?
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Want to know how this Mercury Retrograde will affect you?
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