Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 31, 2020

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2020

Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Dec. 31, 2020

Leo Moon opposite both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.

The energy of the Leo moon is opposite both Jupiter and Saturn and this amazing energy can be used for manifesting. You can use the big energy of the Leo coupled with the abundant energy of Jupiter and the grounding energy of Saturn to form your grand plan and to think big and visualize what you want in life. Saturn will help you put solid foundations down to make it happen. Use the big energy of Leo combined with the intense emotional energy of the moon to step forward into a bright future by visualizing exactly what you want to attract in your life. With this energy, it’s very important to think about what you want rather than what you don’t want. And if you can master that with consistency, you will on your way to success!


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