Welcome to Week August 12, 2024.
OK, let’s get started and see what the stars are bringing us for this week!
We are effectively right in Mercury Retrograde now, and I don’t know about you, but I have been noticing a few challenges in my life, which are definitely about Mercury Retrograde throwing its power around. The normal things like the fraud charge on my account, which took an unscheduled amount of time to deal with, put me behind, and the usual annoying tech issues. I’d like to hear if anyone else has anything to report and how you handled it.
We are effectively out of the destructive storm part of the transit. Now we are heading into the time where we can use Mercury’s retrograde energy to buckle down and get things done, especially projects that are unfinished or have been put on the backburner. This week, Mercury will depart Virgo, one of the signs it rules and is very comfortable in, and revert back to Leo. I love Mercury in Leo, although, it can...
Star Magazine - WC August 05, 2024 - Issue 32
By Jennifer Angel
Welcome to the week of August 5, 2024. This is a relatively quiet week with planetary interactions. However, what is happening is significant, with extremely beneficial connections. Let’s break it down and see what’s going on.
First of all, on August 4th, the new Moon in Leo is a great new start, with new beginnings options opportunities, and lots of possibilities, it’s just up to you to recognize them and also to work with the timing and not a race forward and push something if it’s not ready. I mean, even business connections and the process of business goes through a courting phase, and right now with Mercury going retrograde on August fourth/fifth (depending on where you are located in the world) then we are right in that period of the Mercury transit that’s called the storm. This is when the planet is stationary and moving into its retrograde transit, so you don’t want to...
Welcome to July 29th. Let’s get started and see what the cosmos brings us this week.
The major aspect this week is between Venus and Uranus. Venus is often thought of as the love goddess, which she is, however, to expand on that, Venus governs all relationships, the relationship you have with yourself as well as the relationships you have with others. Venus is now transiting through the sign of Leo, and this helps you to have more belief and confidence in yourself.
Venus also governs money and stability, and in this sense, your attraction power is linked to the energy of your self-worth and how worthy you feel of attracting and having what you want in life. So, to effectively work with Venus Energy, you must stay focused on what you want with a positive mindset to build financial and material security.
Uranus, on the other hand, is the planet that represents innovation,...
Welcome to week July 22. Let’s see what the stars and the Cosmos had to say to us this week.
Right at the start of the week, we have two astral Trine aspects, which is an amazing way to start the week off, as the Trine is like walking the path of least resistance as if it’s meant to be, it’s an easy passage.
The first Trine between the Sun and Neptune, helps you feel positive about life, inspired to step into your greatness, and feel amazing about yourself! The second Trine is an interaction between Mars and Pluto. These two heavy-duty planets together are usually somewhat challenging, because they both want to be the boss, right? In this case, as both these planetary air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, are thinking signs, there’s likely to be an intellectual dilemma going on inside of you. You could be asking yourself, how you...
Welcome to week July 15. Let’s see what the stars are saying to us this week.
The week commences with planets Mars and Uranus connecting. This is an exciting interaction. It’s fast and furious. And it comes out of the blue, so you want to be ready, which means to have some flexibility in your calendar, because when something amazing pings your email then you don’t want to miss it.
Midweek, the powerful energy of the Sun will also interact with Uranus and open opportunities that may have come around before, but the timing wasn’t right, and guess what, now it is.
Action planet Mars will interact with Neptune, and the combination of energy can have you grasping ideas, concepts and inspiration faster, and more readily, to put into action. Mars will also make its move this week and transit from the levelheaded energy of Taurus to the more spontaneous energy...
Welcome to the week of July 8, 2024. Let’s see what the cosmos is sending us this week.
The week commences with two sextile astral aspects, which provide the energy of options, opportunities, and possibilities. Mercury and Jupiter interact as well as Venus and Uranus. First, Mercury and Jupiter bring opportunity to say what’s on your mind and present a creative option that perhaps no one else has thought of as yet. Just because no one else has mentioned it be careful of thinking it is not worthwhile, because, the energy between these two can spark unique ideas. This may be just your time to stand up and get noticed by presenting your views. This is not a time to be shy, instead believing yourself and believing what you have to offer and step up and step forward. Venus and Uranus focus the attention on relationships, and in particular, the relationship you have with money and your ability to attract what you want in life.
...Welcome to the week of June 1st, let’s see what the stars have in store for us this week.
Mercury is on the move, and as it transits from the sensitive water sign of Cancer to the gregarious sign of Leo, it allows you to find your voice, so you communicate more clearly and directly. This is not a time to be playing small. With Mercury now in Leo, you want to make your voice heard so you speak with confidence and certainty.
At the same time, Mercury, which is the thinking planet, will interact with Neptune, which is inspirational energy. Venus will also interact with Neptune, and with focus on these three planets, Venus, Mercury and Neptune in what’s called a Trine astral aspect, and it’s a message to get in touch with your soul purpose. Ask yourself, what it is you really want to do in life, and to evaluate if you are heading in that direction or if you need...
Welcome to the week of June 1st, let’s see what the stars have in store for us this week.
Mercury is on the move, and as it transits from the sensitive water sign of Cancer to the gregarious sign of Leo, it allows you to find your voice, so you communicate more clearly and directly. This is not a time to be playing small. With Mercury now in Leo, you want to make your voice heard so you speak with confidence and certainty.
At the same time, Mercury, which is the thinking planet, will interact with Neptune, which is inspirational energy. Venus will also interact with Neptune, and with focus on these three planets, Venus, Mercury and Neptune in what’s called a Trine astral aspect, and it’s a message to get in touch with your soul purpose. Ask yourself, what it is you really want to do in life, and to evaluate if you are heading in that direction or if you need to do...
Welcome to the week of June 3, 2024. Let’s see how the planets are influencing our lives this week.
Mercury is on the move and will transit from earth sign Taurus to one of the signs it rules, Gemini. As such it’s very comfortable here and the energy can open your thoughts to be more creative, certainly more communicative, and also prompts you to be on a learning curve to learn something new. So, if you’ve been thinking of taking up new studies or perhaps a creative type of course, then this is a good time to do that.
At the same time, Mercury will Sextile, which provides options opportunities, and possibilities, with the inspirational planet Neptune. When these two are together, as Mercury is the thinking planet and Neptune is all about inspired energy, then you can expect to come up with some amazing insides of creative adventures or working together with people. Or you can just revive something that you’ve put on the back burner as this...
Welcome to the of week May 27. Let’s see what’s going on in the sky and the stars this week.
It’s a very quiet week with planetary movement. As such, it will give you a chance to catch up, review, tweak, and see where you are so you can make some changes necessary and beneficial to help you move forward. It’s been a very busy month with lots of activity, with some very powerful aspects, especially with the Sun and Jupiter and Venus and Jupiter being two of the most advantageous, beneficial aspects of the entire year.
I hope each and every one of you has seen some development in your life, and of course, for that development to be heading in the direction of your heart and soul.
Early in the week, Jupiter will make its move from Taurus where it’s been for the last 12 months and will ingress into the sign of Gemini. Jupiter makes a move once a year and will stay in a sun sign for the entire year, so it is a significant planetary influence when Jupiter...