Welcome to the week of August 26 well this year is just flying by for sure
This week Venus will interact with Uranus in a Trine astral aspect, where the energy opens up a path of least resistance but of course, you need to recognize openings and take a step forward with action to make it happen. I love this aspect because the Trine is a positive interaction of energies between two (or three) planets, where it can depict a meant-to-be situation.
Venus is the planet that governs love, money, and your relationship with everything and everyone, including your relationship with money. When interacting with Uranus in Taurus, one of the signs Venus rules, adds power and a higher vibrational energy. However, also because it is in Taurus, and transiting through this sign, it does highlight the need to check your mindset, and more particularly check your money story. How do you think about money? What goes through your mind? What is the mantra you say to yourself, perhaps without realizing it? Do you love money? Do you think it’s not great for you, or do you have a negative impression about money? So, if you want to attract more money you want to have a good relationship with money and this planetary interaction can help kick-start this process.
Is this something you are interested in? If so, then writing a Life Statement, like your goals for all of your life, with a focus on writing a new money story, which you can read every day, or twice or more a day, can start to reframe your thoughts about your life and money. Then you can create a vision board, electronically (or physically) to further focus on what you desire to have in life. If this appeals to you, then have a look at my Life Alignment program, which is a done-for-you template to create your personal Life statement and Life Vision, it's a powerful program at a reasonable cost of $37. Click here to register:
Mercury, the planet of communication, creativity, and education finally comes out of retrograde on the 28th. As I said last week, I didn’t know about you, but for me, certainly, for the first couple of weeks when Mercury was in Virgo, the energy really messed with me big time with technical issues, email issues, banking fraud issues, even threw my keys in the big garbage bin in the alley, never be retrieved. Thankfully, things settled down when Mercury retreated to Leo on the 14th. I hope you have found the same.
Towards the end of this week, Venus will move from Virgo, and make her way into Libra, which is the other sign Venus rules. This position is all about relationships and all about the relationships you have with others. When Venus is in Taurus, it’s more about your relationship with yourself, and how you relate to others and things, and situations, including money. So that’s the difference.
At the same time, Venus will interact with planet Pluto in a Trine aspect and highlight another easy passage and path of least resistance to transformational energy with it in Pluto. This is a message to make some changes in your life and to step out of your comfort zone. Push forward to do what you know you could or should be doing to further advance in your life, and just do it. Life Nike says: Just Do It.
The week concludes with Uranus on 1 September going retrograde in Taurus, and this retrograde will go right through till the end of January 2025. And, with any retrograde, it can bring up stuff either from the past or stuff that you haven’t dealt with and need to. It will help you gain some closure and with every closure, there’s an opening so it can be positive. However, be mindful that Uranus is the planet of sudden change, so you may not have any notice or control over what happens next. It can be the result of what someone else does, which then affects your life. My advice is just to take it as it comes and go with the flow. Remember, there are always two ways to approach any situation and that is to respond or react, and the best advice is to respond without reacting.
Have a great week everybody, and for those of you who are interested in releasing anxiety, balancing, and aligning your energies with higher vibrational energy to attract love and abundance in all areas of your life, go ahead and book a free Mind, Body & Soul Alignment Assessment. During this session, we will determine where you are right now, and where you want to be and set goals to make significant changes in your life and with your daily routine. If you decide Mind, Body & Soul Alignment is something you want help with, you can enroll in the program, and if not, then you will walk away from this free session with a plan of action. Book your free alignment assessment call: Jennifer's Calendar
If you are dealing with anxiety, or just not as productive as you would like or you feel out of balance, and it is handicapping the success of the rest of your life, then book a session and let's do an assessment. Here is the link to book on my calendar:
Read your weekly SunSign Horoscope
Best wishes,
Jennifer Angel