Angel’s Daily Blog Sept. 20

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2020

Angel’s Daily Blog Sept. 20

Mercury, the communication thinking planet, challenges transformational Pluto. And as Pluto is in Capricorn, and will be for a number of years, the energy today gives you a chance to think more long term and make your discussions about what you want for the future. But also make sure you act with authenticity, which means be yourself, and not try to be someone that someone else wants you to be. Stand in your own circle of power so you stay focused on what you want for your own life.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 19

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2020

Angel’s Daily Blog Sept, 19

The Libra Moon is opposite Mars, which can be passionate for love, but the Moon also squares both Pluto and Saturn, which can present challenges. This aspect can bring to the surface past issues that need to be brought out in the open so you can finally face them and let them go. Take a step into the future in a bold and brave way so you leave anything behind that is not for your highest good. Make a decision today to embrace the future you have always imagined you would have. Believe it can happen and you will be on the way to manifesting the life you want.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 18

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2020

Angel’s Daily Blog Sept, 18

Libra Moon interacts with Venus, the ruler of Libra, and presently sits in the sign of generous Leo. The combined energy can open opportunities to interact with people who can be beneficial in a positive manner, particularly with money. Look for opportunities so they don’t pass you by, the coincidences of life will, chance meetings and synchronicity will let you know you are heading in the right direction.

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Angel’s Daily Astro Blog Sept. 17

Uncategorized Aug 27, 2020

Angel’s Daily Blog Sept, 17
New Moon energy in the sign of Virgo is great energy to get organized. The vibrational energy will fall in a different area of life for each Sun Sign’s star-chart, but the overall message is to get going and get organized so you can be more productive. Whether it is with love, work, social or intellectual and creative pursuits, focus on what inspires you the most or what you need to clear to let go of energy. Whatever you highest priority is in your life right now, make a list of your goals, dreams and wishes, and then think through how you intend to move forward to make them a reality!

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