Weekly Planetary Report March 20 - Pluto in Aquarius, the truth revealed

Uncategorized Mar 16, 2023

This week commences with the powerful energy of the Sun moving from the beautiful and sensitive sign of Pisces to the fearless, and let’s get down to business, sign of Aries. And as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac this signifies new beginnings and fresh starts. Start by closing off the first quarter of the year and as you head to the second quarter this is the perfect time to review your progress to date.  

Ask yourself, are you where you want to be, and are you where are you expected to be? If your answer is yes, then congratulations as it sounds like you made a plan and a commitment to follow through with action, well done! Now it is time to review your goals for the next nine months and set higher intentions, which will challenge you to do even better.  

If your answer is no, you have not made the progress you desired or expected, then don’t despair. This is not the time to get despondent, instead, it’s the ideal time to review. For instance, if you have been procrastinating, then perhaps you’re not doing what you really want to do, what you would love to do. Or perhaps you have an underlying fear of either failure or success, and in this case, spend some solo time thinking through and sorting out what that might be. Reset your goals and push through one day at a time to achieve them. At the same time, be mindful not to set yourself up for failure by committing to do and achieve more than what is humanly possible. You want to challenge yourself, but not so much that it overwhelms you to the point that you feel frozen. 

To add further positive energy, the Sun’s transit to Aries will connect with the Moon in what’s called a conjunction, where the Sun and Moon are at the same degree, and hence this formulates the energy of a New Moon. And the full Moon further highlights that this is the ideal time to be open to new developments, and perhaps modify, or in some cases even totally change, the direction you are heading. As mentioned, this is the time for new beginnings, and a new start, and the best way to proceed, as always, is with a positive mind, and an optimistic outlook. 

At the same time, right at the beginning of the week, the Sun interacts with powerful Pluto in an astral sextile aspect, which opens the energy to present opportunities. This is a very powerful interaction. It happens twice a year, and it’s a trigger point where you can make things happen. However, it is up to you to recognize the opportunities and possibilities and then be brave enough to step forward with a plan followed by action points. 

As we move through the week, one of the biggest most powerful planetary moves will take place this week with Pluto, the powerful planet of transformation, which makes his move from Capricorn to Aquarius. Pluto will stay in Aquarius for three months before moving back to Capricorn in its retrograde transit, where it will stay through to the end of 2023 before moving back to Aquarius in January 2024 where it will take up residence for the next 20 years.  

There’s always a lot of excitement, as well as wariness when an outer slower-moving planet transits to another sign. I will be doing a separate report on this over the next few weeks, however, let’s just say for now that this move will bring challenges in a highly transformational way. Pluto in Aquarius will endeavor to uncover any injustices, not just in one’s personal life, but on the world stage. Let’s keep in mind that Pluto aims for integrity and Aquarius is the sign of humanitarian pursuits, so this placement indicates, to me, that mankind will stand up for their rights, particularly when it concerns freedom, or wrongdoing in any way to mankind.  

The week concludes with the energy of feisty Mars making its move from quick-thinking Gemini to the more nurturing and sensitive water sign of Cancer. Here, Mars is not so comfortable as Cancer being a water sign prefers to make decisions based on intuitiveness, and feeling, while Mars is naturally more impulsive. However, as Mars rules Aries, both Aries and Cancer are cardinal signs, so, although there is a challenge here, the challenge can help us all to push through procrastination and just get on with it. When we think too long about things and wait for the perfect time to move forward, the opportunity can be lost, so in this sense, it can be thought of as a positive placement. 

All in all, this is a week to push aside resistance and as my teacher, John Assaraf would say, it’s time to THINK, PLAN, DO, and then REVIEW. On this note, some of you may be aware that John Assaraf is my coach, and I love his work so much that I became an affiliate partner. John is one of the world’s forerunners in neuro-science, Mindset, and changing your habits to overcome resistance, so you push through to live your life of greatness. He focuses on many areas, however, more particularly financial freedom. If you're interested in looking at any of his programs, you can go through my affiliate link on my website, JenniferAngel.com, under the Programs tab, and register for one of his free programs. In full transparency, as an affiliate partner, if you decide to sign up for any of John's programs, by going through my affiliate page, then at no cost to you, a percentage of your payment will come back to me, so it is a way of supporting me if you enjoy the work I put out.  

Much love and vision to you all.
I wish you all a week of achievement! 




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