April Planetary Report - Action Packed - Jupiter, Sun, Solar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde!

Uncategorized Mar 23, 2023

As we move into April and into the second quarter of the year, there’s no time to waste. There’s an abundance of planetary energy sitting both in the sign of Aries and Taurus. This is a perfect time to review your goals or set them if you didn’t do that in the first quarter. Set specific goals for this next quarter then break them down into monthly and smaller weekly achievable action points. You want to set goals that help you stretch, but not too high that you feel overwhelmed and quit. 

In the first week of April, on the 3rd, communication planet Mercury will transit from Aries into Taurus. Communication in Taurus is focused on relationships and money; however, it is especially important to focus the communication on yourself, your inner self, and your inner wisdom. The more that you can understand and know yourself, how you feel, and what you want, the less you will expect these things and answers to be provided to you by others, hence, this is a perfect time for self-development, as this position in the star chart also focuses on worthiness. 

The full Moon on the sixth is in Libra, also a sign focused on relationships, and ruled by Venus, is more about the relationships you have with other people and a full Moon is about endings and beginnings. This is an opportunity for you to finally discard connections with people you know are toxic. And no matter how much you have tried to change things, you must keep in mind that you are not in control of changing others, you can only be there supporting them, as change needs to come from within them.

During the second week, on the 10th, Venus, the goddess of love and money, will make her move from Taurus, one of the signs she rules, to Gemini. If you apply yourself to the highest level of importance in your life, you can gain amazing insight, knowledge, and education that will be invaluable as you move forward during this month. On the love scene, if you need to have a heart-to-heart discussion, this is a good time to do that, however, be mindful to be diplomatic to keep things harmonious between you and another.


During the first two weeks, there are a number of sextile aspects, which indicate doors can open for you, so stay alert because opportunities don’t always stay around for too long. You must be in a position to be able to grasp them, put your hand up, and say 'yes' if it is something you feel will be good for you. These aspects are mainly between the water sign Pisces and the earth sign Taurus. The water sign can be emotional while the earth sign is more logical. This earth sign helps to balance the emotions creating a sense of intuitive as well as logical thought. 

On the 11th of April, we have one of the luckiest, if not the luckiest, and most powerful planetary interactions for the entire year, which is a conjunction between the Sun, and Jupiter, and this year it is positioned in the sign of Aries. I love this connection as the Sun, being our most powerful force, and Jupiter, being visionary, and having positive energy, promotes making long-range plans through Jupiter's energy and then bringing the energy back to the here and now to put into action with the energy of the Sun.

The new Moon this month on the 19th is in Aries, also a solar eclipse, which is amazing and potent energy as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents the spring equinox, which was on March 20th when the Sun entered Aries. This new Moon solar eclipse helps us recharge and get going to make things happen in our lives. And the very next day, on the 20th, the Sun will make its way from Aries into Taurus, so happy birthday Taurus! 

The month concludes with another set of planetary sextiles, the astral interaction of opportunities, so once again, this really is a month to get things going, to get organized, and to stay alert for opportunities and possibilities that appear in your life. However, it’s up to you to notice them and step forward to claim as your own. 

Mercury, the planet of communication, creativity, and education, situated in the sign of Taurus will be Stationary Retrograde on the 21st, as it moves into its retrograde transit for the next three weeks, making this time for the remainder of April, going into the first two weeks of May. As this Mercury Retrograde is between two eclipses, the next one is a lunar eclipse on May 5th, which makes it an excellent time to get organized, prepared and focus on setting strong foundations for creation! 

This month's energy is amazing for all of us as it helps us methodically move through and forward to accomplish our dreams, providing a feeling of accomplishment.


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