Horoscope Planetary Forecast June 24 2024 by Jennifer Angel

Uncategorized Jun 20, 2024

Welcome to the week of June 24. Let’s see what the stars have in store for us this week.

Midweek, Mercury, the thinking planner, will Trine with Saturn. The Trine astral aspect is a softer aspect, almost like a meant-to-be. So, in this case, even though Saturn can’t set up an energy of worrying, there’s no point worrying about anything. The work is to have the conversations and then let it go. If it is meant to be, it will be.

At the end of the week, Venus will sextile with Mars, and this is great for relationships as Venus and Mars at the love duo of the zodiac. The Sextile brings up opportunities. Mars in Taurus is all about money, the relationship you have with money, the relationship you have with yourself, and your self-growth and self-worth.

Venus sits in the sign of Cancer, a softer sensitive energy. So, if you’re looking for love, or want to strengthen your relationships, this is a great time to ponder on your self-worth, and how worthy you feel of being able to attract the relationship you desire. Rate yourself between 1-10 of your worthiness. Anything under five, consider committing to do some inner mind, body, and soul alignment work and then you will be more equipped to attract the perfect partner you dream about.

Over the weekend of the 29th and the 30th, Saturn will enter a stationary retrograde transit in the sign of Pisces, which gives you a chance to review, particularly how you feel about things, and make any necessary changes you want to move forward.

To conclude the week, Mercury will sextile Uranus, a favorable aspect for discussions. Conversations during this time can come out of the blue and can have a life-changing effect on your life.

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