$950.00 USD

Private Deluxe Baby Astrology Package

Two sessions:
1. Baby Birth chart as per the standard baby birth chart
2. Analysis of two parents/guardians and interaction between family

Introducing a captivating astrological birth chart analysis for your beloved baby, including the dynamic interplay within your family constellation! Explore the cosmic influences that not only shape your little one's unique personality and potential but also shed light on the intricate connections and dynamics between family members. Uncover the celestial tapestry that weaves together the bonds and energies within your family, offering profound insights into your collective strengths, challenges, and growth opportunities. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery that celebrates not only your little star's celestial blueprint but also the beautiful synergy that exists within your family unit. 

What you'll receive:

  • Customized printed birth chart report with your baby's photos
  • Your Baby's Horoscope Wheel
  • 60-min personal birth chart audio recording, analysis by Jennifer 
  • 90 minute session with parents / guardians with an analysis of the interaction and dynamic between baby and parents. 
  • Access to Soul Talk community

As soon as your baby is born, please send me the following"

  • Date of Birth (month, day, year - in this order)
  • Location - Town/City and country
  • Time of Birth - as accurate as you can provide it
  • 3-5 photos of your beautiful baby
  • When you are ready to have your one-on-one session with Jennifer you can  make an appointment on Jennifer's calendar via this link: 

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing your happy news! 



What People Are Saying:

ā€œIā€™m writing to you on behalf of the PMK*BNC office here in NYC. We are a PR agency working with a variety of brands and talent, and are avid readers of your horoscopes (we do not miss a day). Your words truly speak to each of us, relating to our lives in ways we could not even begin to imagine. From the Libras to the Capricorn, we take our daily horoscope reads very seriously and it has become a ritual amongst the entire office.ā€

Jessie, PMK*BNC